I seem to have developed a knot behind my belly-button!

Is this normal,or should I have this checked out?    — jscduke1 (posted on March 17, 2007)

March 17, 2007
Jeff, did you have Open RNY or did you have Lap RNY. My sister was concerned about a knot in her stomach and found out that it is a hernia and she needs surgery. The Dr. told her that 5% of people who have an open RNY develop a hernia. Good Luck.
   — Virginia M.

March 17, 2007
I had lap-band surgery.,on march 8th. I have a doctor's appt. on Monday. I think I will have it chacked out. Thanks for your help,greatly appreciated,Jeff
   — jscduke1

March 18, 2007
Jeff, you should decide if it bothers you or seems strange, you can call your doctor and ask them, or go in. It might be normal for someone to have this, but your doctor is your guage here. A call is certainly warranted, and let them decide if you need to have it looked at. That is what they are there for. Take care and best to you, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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