Things to purchase before surgery ?

I just got approved after 5 months of fighting with insurance companies I am so happy but scared. Surgery date will be Dec 8th , can please tell me some of things to to purchase start preparing for surgery.    — domino1123 (posted on October 21, 2006)

October 21, 2006
Hi Edith: I go in 19 days and I am looking for ways to prepare too. I just talked to someone who advised me to stop all meats and chicken 10 days prior to surgery...she said to eat natural herbs and using a body cleanse. Make chicken broth from scratch. Freeze it and keep the vegetables separately. Try whey protein to see if you like it. Your taste buds will probably change but at least you can see what you like...order it or ask the stores for samples.
   — Sheri A.

October 21, 2006
Congratulations. As for foods it will depend on the recovery protocol that you are given. I had clear fluids for 2 weeks, regular fluids for 2 weeks, semi-soft foods for 2 weeks, soft foods for 2 weeks and then I could start to introduce regular foods. I made the mistake of purchasing to many items before surgery ie like I ate before surgery. I only should have bought one of each item and bottles of water big and small to keep with me even during the night. It is true that your taste buds change and so does the smell of things which goes for personal hygiene items. As for surgery day personal hygiene items I would try the Ivory products (body/hair) with no scent, tooth brush and toothpaste and a small bottle of mouth wash, wash cloth, pads (some start due to the stress to their bodies), a CD player with some good CD's-I couldn't stay awake long enough for a TV program or to read, slippers with grippy's on the bottom, comfortable clothes for the ride home and walking once up from surgery, and a pillow, if you weren't given one for the ride home at least, chap stick, deodorant. Others may have added or deleted from the above but it is the basics. All you will want to do is sleep so be prepared for it. Don't forget to fill your pain prescription and use it especially at night so that you can get a good night's sleep-I wished that I had. I thought I could do it without it and I did but I would have gotten a better night's sleep with it. Best of luck...
   — 1968 Loser

October 21, 2006
Bring chapstick to the hospital and very loose comfortable tops and bottoms. (t-shirt and sweat pants or top and bottom pjs.) Also, bring slippers and your own pillow. As far as food for when you get home, I lived off of SF popsicles.
   — Jennifer K.

October 21, 2006
Hi Edith: First of all, congrats on getting your surgery date!!! I'm one month post-op and I still have foods I bought that I cannot eat now simply because I don't each that much and it will take forever to get that food used up. I waited until after I came home and during the 2-week liquid diet, I ordered Hank's protein powder and that's working good for me. Find a protein drink that you like but wait until after surgery to test it out before ordering alot of it. I would have some jello on hand, sf popsicles and applesauce. At first you won't be able to eat much at all. Like the others have said, bring something comfy for your hospital stay and going home like sweat pants, etc. I was only in the hospital for one day so I didn't need much - just basic necessities mentioned above. Good luck on your surgery and remember... it's normal to be apprehensive as your date gets nearer. Just remember why you opted to do this surgery - to get healthy!!! God Bless!!
   — Carol A.

October 22, 2006
Congratulations... I would only suggest keeping it simple.. I packed as bag with all the personal things & I only used the chapstick... You may have a drain in & they change the dressings so often I didnt want to ruin my own jammies. so i opted to use the hospital ones.....As for when you come home Its hard my taste for things had changed after my surgery.....Ex. water is hard fo rme & i drank about 72 ounces of water every day.. no i can only drink warm dont buy alot of one thing just a small amounts of things till after ..Best of luck
   — babs810

October 22, 2006
While I haven't had my surgery yet, I'd start stocking up on protein skae mixes. My doctor wants you to stay on the shakes for the first two weeks after the surgery. They are expensive, so if you stock up before the surgery, any time lost from work isn't going to kill the temporarily reduced budget. Just some thoughts there for ya.
   — Merredeth

October 22, 2006
Purchase the book "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" some consider this the Bible of WLS. And do not take anything to the hospital. Everything you need witll be supploed. I took stuff as suggest and never touched any of it.
   — Michael Eak

October 24, 2006
Edith, I didn't use 1/2 of what I took to the hospital. I agree about buying the "Weightloss Surgery for Dummies" book. It had excellent info about what to expect. I took Neutrogena makeup remover wipes. Even though I didn't wear makeup, it felt great to wipe my face off when I wanted. Use the hospital gowns. Take a bathrobe and slippers. I didn't read either of the books I took. Take something for chapped lips. They get really dry. Go ahead and buy a protein powder. I like GNC Chocolate or Body Fortress Chocolate and Vanilla. I wish you the best for your surgery! Janis
   — [Deactivated Member]

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