Has anyone cheated on liquid diet?

Has anyone cheated on liquid diet? Then had chest pain or blockage. If so what did it feel like? Not looking for a lecture already had many.    — TALON (posted on June 4, 2006)

June 4, 2006
I am 6 wk post op and tho I didn't cheat on liquid diet I occassionally get chest pain and a snese of 'bubbles' rising in my pouch. My NP and several friends have told me it is from one of several things or perhaps all three together- eating/drinking too fast, not chewing food properly or stress. Hope this helps
   — dabby

June 4, 2006
If I eat something that's not going to agree with me for whatever reason, I will get sensations similar to what you are feeling. I've trained myself to try little bites of new foods and pay attention to that feeling (which I understand varies from person to person) while eating. It tells me when to stop eating or what foods to avoid. I was pretty good about following the schedule outlined. I had a lot of trouble with protien drinks, so I often included home-made broth-based soups. That "feeling" really does tell me what I'm ready to eat. I'm 3 months post-op (March 8). Hope this helps.
   — ldf0527

June 4, 2006
I was never on a liquid diet aside from the 48 hour hospital stay after surgery. However, I remember the feeling you are talking about when I ate something very dry, didn't chew well enough or ate too quickly.
   — Michelle_S

June 5, 2006
Liquid diets depend on the surgeon's preference. I was never on one but was on soft foods as soon as I was able to eat/drink. You probably did get a little food stuck in your stoma. It is common for many - just go easy and if you plan on eating from here on out, go easy and chew the living daylights out of everything and stick to soft foods for awhile. Some people have tiny stomas or get strictures so watch for that. If you get to the point where you can't keep liquids down, you need to talk to your surgeon as you may need to be dilated (I understand it's an in office procedure done with a scope). Try not to push the things you know will be fiberous and/or stringy. If you want meat when you get to that phase, try Boca burgers. They are very good, are extremely tender and pack good protein. I have heard many folks mention that their surgeons recommend mixing meat tenderizer in water and drinking that when you get something stuck as it will help break it down so it can move through the stoma. Hope that helps!
   — Dinka Doo

June 5, 2006
I didn't "cheat" but one month post-op (last Friday) I didn't chew some chicken properly - twenty hours of vomitting followed by a trip to the ER for fluids then into the hospital for an endoscope to remove the blockage. This included some of the most intense pain/pressure I've ever experienced. Lesson learned. Follow your doctor's orders exactly. CHEW CHEW CHEW and don't eat until you're supposed to. Believe me, it was awful. Every bite since then has caused me anxiety, but I'll do everything possible to avoid that happening again. Good luck. It's worth it!
   — oppatty

June 7, 2006
The end of your esophagus where it goes into the pouch has a "valve" that surgery can cause to swell. If you stress it before healing is complete, food can sit above the valve and (technically is at least a temporary blockage) cause esophageal spasms. Esophageal spasms can feel as painful as a heart attack.
   — JoeysMom

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