Pregnancy before or after?

We have 3 children, and would like at least one more. I am 33 (I know people have babies at older ages). I weigh 307, the most I've weighed when not pregnant - I have weighed around this when I delivered. I've started the 6 month process with my insurance company, but after seeing the OB today, he told me it was 6 of one, half a dozen of the hour - basically it was my choice and either way would be ok. So, my question is - is it better to get pregnant before WLS and be done, or is it better to lose have the surgery THEN get pregnant? I'm so confused about what I want to do now.    — fantum (posted on May 12, 2006)

May 12, 2006
Just my opinion, but I think I'd opt for AFTER the wls. Being obese during pregnancy is hard on your body and puts you and baby at risk, despite having been there and done that before. Good luck in whatever you decide.
   — LauraA

May 12, 2006
I would highly recommend you get yourself as healthy as possible before putting your body through the trauma of another pregnancy. What if you have complications from obesity? You are still young and YOU count, too! Get healthy and then you'll have more energy for another little one around the house.
   — LauraD

May 13, 2006
It is basically your preference. While my doctors told me that they would not recommend someone having kids after WLS, many do and are perfectly fine. I myself had a daughter four years after WLS. No problems regarding the WLS, however, i have an extra 35-40 lbs i am fighting that i did not have before i had my baby girl 13 months ago. So i suppose that is the reason they recommend not having kids after WLS, but......... at your current weight, there are risks involved in having another child, so its a give and take. Just one reminder, if you decide to have your kids before WLS, make sure you are PERMANENTLY STERILIZED before your WLS or you may have a pleasant surprise that you were not expecting or planning. It has been shown that women are extremely fertile after they lose that extra weight. So just a heads up on that note. I had my tubes tied and had my baby girl anyway........ good luck
   — Kimberly Felan

May 14, 2006
I think its hard both way and positive and negitives with both. I had 2 kids before WLS and one after. Feel free to check out my profile for more info. Good luck.
   — luckyflowers

May 14, 2006
I got pregnant for the first time after WLS. I wish now I could have gotten pregnant before...Your body changes, as you know and I was happy with my body before I got pregnant. I do think I probably had an easier pregnancy at a lower weight. I guess it is like your doc said...6 of 1...half dozen of another. Think of how your body changes and the problems, if any, you had during your pregnancy at a higher weight.
   — Shelia N.

May 16, 2006
Hi Helen- After going through infertility for 3 years, I was posed with the same question. My doctor said the same thing. My last visit with my RE (infertility doctor) was to ask him if I would have a better chance of conceiving and also, will it effect my fertility to wait until I am 34 or 35 (I am now 32) to start trying to conceive. So, my husband and I decided to wait until after surgery. The reasoning is such at that I don't want to be bigger than I am and having to parent a newborn or chase a toddler around. Also, I am worried about gestational diabetes and other pregnancy complications. So, that was my choice. Yours might be different. Whatever you do, make sure that you think carefully and be comfortable in your decision. Good luck to you!!!
   — amysocko

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