What options do I have to eleviate severe vomiting?
I had the Gastroplasty surgery in April 2003. At first I was ok but as soon as I went on solid foods, I vomit at least 3-4 times a week. It has gotten so bad that eating is more of a task then an enjoyment. I am considering letting my doctor change my procedure to the Rou-en-Y, if I spelled that correctly. I am very frustrated. I only lost about 35% of my weight and still vomiting. Please offer any suggesstions. Thanks — srollins33 (posted on March 30, 2006)
March 30, 2006
you might want to check and see whether or not you might have a stricture.
this is a blockage which will restrict liquids and foods.
— Steve Cohen
March 30, 2006
VBG huh? Thats pretty much a obsolete surgery today. Since vomiting is so
common people tend to eat stuff like chips and milk shakes that go down
easy:( While avoiding really good food:(:( My surgeon specializes in
revisions, you need a extra good surgeon, and those revised tend to do very
— bob-haller
March 30, 2006
Alot of people have revisions from the gasroplasty to an RNY or DS (I
personally would consider the DS over the RNY so you will not have to deal
with stona misses. That said I would have to ask why you wanted the
gastroplasty in the first place - what those reasons were. If it was NOT
to have the malasorption then a vertice gastric sleeve may be something to
look into. If you dont mind 'working' with the RNY/DS (vitamins, etc) that
come with the re-routing then it happens - you may also post on the
revisions board and see alot of your fellows there.
— star .
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