Hernia after tummy tuck?
I had a hernia repaired 1 1/2 years ago with my TT. Now I have another hernia found in a CT scan. How did I get this and what will this do to my TT. This one is painful but I really have enough scars (anchor cut TT) What's the recovery time for hernia surgery w/o the TT? — Kim T. (posted on February 17, 2006)
February 19, 2006
Hi I had 5 hernia's repaired around my navel at one time. they had to even
put in a drain tube for 2 weeks. total time for me recovery when I was
absolutly healed was about 4 weeks.
— usinmn2004
February 19, 2006
I would get it fixed no matter what scars you end up with...But ask him
about wearing a compession garment after surgery to help "hold"
everything in. I would guess you lifted to soon or the first one did not
get fixed correctly.
— vhoupt
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