why do we love food so much please help

i am 17months out and doing good all but food crave it want it you name it help i am seeing some to help but nothing so far today mac.and cheese ate it then went to the bathroom for it to come up.i know it is not good to do that but i cant stop is anyone else like me or close to me help me if you can.i am down 167pds.i still have about 30more go .thanks so much    — nancy A. (posted on November 22, 2004)

November 22, 2004
I will be two years out in January. I have been at goal for about a year now. I feel that my food cravings and issues are worse then they have every been. It is as if someone flipped on a switch that I can't turn off. It makes me wonder if somewhere down the road the science will show that it is something in our bodies not just in our heads that is causing this. It is very hard to control. I know how you feel, believe me!
   — sherry H.

November 22, 2004
i am 17 mos out and have the exact opposite problem- nothing sounds good to me and i have to force myself to eat- i still drink a protein drink every day and take all my vitamins but if it wasn't for these supplements, i am afraid i would be malnourished- i am no longer losing, which is amazing, since i hardly eat at all- would love to crave something like the old days! 236/124 size 0
   — Jannie N.

November 22, 2004
Im 2 years out now and agree with the last poster. Ive been going to weight watchers for several months and all Ive been able to do is maintain. It seems I find it much harder to control myself now. I dont know if it is because I went so long making myself eat or eating whatever would stay down that Ive lost the ability to put on the brakes!!! Im still about 30 pounds from goal. I know where your coming from. Good luck to us all!!
   — Marilayne M.

November 22, 2004
Its an addiction. Anything made with white flour and white sugar causes blood swings and physical cravings. Many MOs are insulin resistant which makes it worse. For the details, check out books like the South Beach Diet, or the Carbohydrate addicts diet. The solution is to avoid anything made with white flour or sugar and increase dense protein. If you're super sensitive, certain fruits and even too many whole grains can cause cravings. You can kick the cycle... although the first little while is hard, it gets easier.
   — mom2jtx3

November 22, 2004
Nancy: I think it is a good idea that you are seeking help for these problems. I'm assuming from what you said that you are working with a therapist? That is a really good idea. Remember, there are many people who have eating disorders, and not all of them are obese people. I know plenty of thin folks who love and crave food just as much as we do, it's just that our bodies will not process and metabolize the food the way some folks' do. I have a thin sister-in-law who eats nothing but candy and junk most every day, and yet she rarely puts on any weight. I think she's very unhealthy because of her eating style, but because she remains thin, no one thinks much of it. But I would consider her to have an eating disorder.<p>When you said you threw up the mac and cheese, did you mean you made yourself do it? If that's the case, then it is doubly important that you are getting some attention. Making yourself throw up is much more unhealthy for you than eating the wrong things.<p>I hope that things will get better for you, and that the therapy will help you to stop giving food so much power over your life. Remember, it is just fuel, it really has no power to control you. Only you have that. Also remember that we are all struggling, and all of us make bad choices with our food. It isn't the end of the world, and we can vow to make better choices at the next meal or snack. Never give up, but also try to learn how "not" to obsess about every bite that goes into your mouth. Doing that can only lead to more obsession and guilt feelings - not something that we need to have in our lives. Best of wishes to you.
   — Carlita

November 26, 2004
I am also about 2 years out and all I want to eat is Sweets and Carbs..I have been lucky in not gaining but am still about 20 to 30 lbs from goal..I lost 100 lbs..I have no energy most of the time even though I take all the vitamins, I really need to start eating more protein..I just get it in my head if I eat protein I wont have room for my sweets??? I know this is bad thinking..I will keep trying to work on it though,I sure dont want to go back to my old weight..Good Luck
   — NANCY P.

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