hello i am so upset i gain 6days dont know what is going on

i called where i had surgery and she said it could be anything she told me to up my day of active i am so busy now i cant put anymore in to it i clean house just about everyday i have 8rooms i cut grass big i mean big yard wash my car and clean in side too,and do my husband truck big one inside and out i am 5'3 1/2 and have went from a weight of 276 to 167 in 11months my doctor said i weight 174 so i am going with my weight at home LOL so i dont understand how it come on so fast but anyway i work all the time were do thay thank i am going to put more time in to stay busy i washed the house down monday and today i going to go cut some trees down so help please if you can.    — nancy A. (posted on May 21, 2004)

May 21, 2004
With the activity your doing maybe its muscle... I can gain up to 4lbs from morning to night... no kidding... and when my period comes I gain about 3-4lbs but it drops off.. I wouldn't worry... doesn't sound like your doing wrong your body must need the fluid for a spell... dont worry when its ready it will release it... your doing great and staying active.. Weigh to go!!!
   — WLS_Deb

May 21, 2004
Make sure you are only weighing yourself at most once per week. I know that I fluctuate by 3-4 pounds without doing anything differently with my eating or exercising. It just happens. I notice that I am much thirstier with the warmer weather - make sure you are getting in plenty of water to prevent retention. If you are dehydrated from the weather and much activity, your body will try to hold onto water.
   — Yolanda J.

May 21, 2004
You may be putting on muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you are, you can be gaining some weight, but be healthier. Does your doctor have a scale that measures body fat percentage?
   — StarWish624

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