it was a bad picture for sure i didnot even thank i was that big

i just have to say i was in fear for sure never really look at the pictures before like i did today i said no way was i that big i cant believe it but today i am down to 181pds.and feel great better than 276pds.7months ago i feel great i never want to go back to were i was for sure i like me now i allways did like myself but i really like my self more today than i did 7months ago i really have lost a person i am going to take a picture from 7months ago and one that i had taken 6months after lossing 85pds.and put in the kitchen for sure i dont want to go back i want to keep on going forward for sure thanks for reading and god bless you all.    — nancy A. (posted on January 11, 2004)

January 11, 2004
Nancy, I just finished reading your profile....Girl, you have made spectacular progress! Congratulations on the results of your hard work and dedication! brave and get that picture posted to your page, so we can all oooh and aaah over the changes you've made. (Click on the "Photos" link for directions, if you're not sure how to get them uploaded to your page) Keep us posted....
   — Biking O.

January 11, 2004
I am over two years out, at goal and have been here a while. A couple of weeks ago I decided to submit before and after pics here. (still haven't sent em in) Anyhow, I went digging in the fat pic drawer and just about fell over. I knew I was big, but had no idea how big. I know how you feel....
   — RebeccaP

January 12, 2004
Well now you can look at your "after" picture and say - OH MY GOD I CAN"T BELIEVE I"M THAT SMALL! haha - I can't believe you did that in 7 months - Best wishes and continue your journey!
   — Anna M.

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