help 4 weeks and itching second week help

i have been to the doctor 3 times in a week i am so itching i cant stop i have try everything but noting is working help i did not take much pain meds. or noting i dont know what to do i went to the lib.and found lots of ans.for this question but anything new help    — nancy A. (posted on July 9, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I dont think I can help you but to tell you I also had itching all over my back, and was told it was the anthestia from surgery coming out of my body...I took one tylenol pm gel cap so that I could sleep at nite.... sprinkly gold bonds powder on my sheet and then getting into them did give me some relief at times..... hopefully your itching will stop soon...
   — paulsgirl

July 8, 2003
If the itching is not in an incision area, try spraying solarcane on the area. There are several anti-itch creams on the market as well. The Drug Store could prbably help you pick one.
   — M B.

July 8, 2003
Itching is often a symptom of an allergic reaction (maybe to something you were given in the hospital, or are taking now). Benadryl would help it if that were the case. Check with your doctor to be sure you can take it.
   — Vespa R.

July 9, 2003
I have eczema and found my skin became VERY dry and itchy around the two or three week mark - doc said it was likely because I wasn't getting enough fluid in, combined with anesthesia releasing from my body. What I used was Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Relief Spray. Wonderful stuff!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 9, 2003
Oh, I itched like crazy after surgery!! It developed into a bad rash. My surgeon said it was a reaction to the anesthesia and the morphine. I didn't do anything special to relieve the itching and found that in a week, it went away.
   — Terri G.

July 9, 2003
I too had extreme problems with itching and still have some at 4 weeks postop. First all, I was allergic to the tape and to the binder they gave me to wear. Broke out like crazy, looked like a burn. Nothing helped until I went to my PCP for a 2 week check. He prescribed Hydroxyzine HCL 10mg pills and Clotrimazole 1%in Triamcin 0.1% CR cream. It worked like a miracle. You might check with your PCP about them. I have really sensitive skin anyway and all the stuff with the surgery just made it worst. The rash went away after a couple of days of use.
   — Paula A.

July 9, 2003
I had the EXACT same thing starting at about 4 weeks out. It started in my stomach where the tape was, but now my back is sooo itchy. I went to a dermatologist and he said he felt the rash and itching was from dry skin and lack of vitamin E, but since we don't absorb oils well, he suggested dry Vitamin E. I ordered some from Vitalady and it just got here yesterday so I'm hoping it will help. I live with a back scratcher in my hand at all times, LOL. Try the dry Vitamin E from (no way affiliated with her business, just the only place I could find it reasonably priced)
   — Michelle A.

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