How do I find a local OSSG support group?

I read about Yahoo's OSSG group in a lot of profiles and joined there. I've read there are local groups such as OSSG Iowa, but I can't figure out how to find anything at Yahoo. Does anyone know how to go about locating smaller/more local OSSG groups?    — Laura K. (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003
Go to, choose groups and then do a search for OSSG xxxxx where xxxxx is your state's name. If there isn't one for your state, I don't think it's all that hard to set up. I joined one for my state and it has been really great. It's nice to get to know people who live near me. We've even set up some face to face meetings via that group.
   — garw

March 17, 2003
I also searched for WLS - name of city and Gastric Bypass - name of city and found several local support groups in my area. They are all email support groups, some meet 1 time a month. Sometimes, people will start a support group with the name of their doctor. Check for that also.
   — Sharon H.

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