My upper stomach

I notice now that my weight loss has shown dramaticly in my breasts and leggs and that most of my weight is centered in my stomach and hips. When I try on jeans, the upper part of my stomach is pushed up and I look pregnant there. I know I shouldn't complain, I am grateful for the surgery, but when I had a complication, the surgeon left me open, hence the open wound has healed now, but I've got two sides bigger than the middle. That, and the fact my stomach "bubbles" above the jeans depresses me! I guess I will have to just "deal with it" until I have a panni/tummy tuck?    — Dina M. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
unfortunately, that's what my stomach looked like before my tummy tuck. I had to fold the skin over to tuck the excess in my jeans and still had the bubble over effect above the belly button. With the tummy tuck, it will take care of all that. Just wait it out a little longer. Plastic surgery is right around the corner!!!
   — Patty H.

August 19, 2002
I was always one of those "apple-shaped" folks who carried a lot of my weight above my belly-button. When I had my panniculectomy in November, the plastic surgeon suggested an anchor incision....a long vertical incision from breastbone to pubic area, combined with a "smiley-face" incision from hipbone to hipbone....instead of the more traditional "tummy tuck" incision that runs along the bikini line. At first, I was concerned about the "huge" incision, but he assured me that it would give me the best results since I had so much excess skin and fat above the waist. I am SO glad that I followed through with the anchor incision. The vertical incision allows the surgeon to "pull" all that extra tissue in from the sides toward the middle, and it gave me a wonderfully sleek look to my more rolls of skin hanging over my bra band, and my lap RNY scars and traditional gallbladder scar were completely removed in the process. He used no external sutures or staples, so I just have a single, fine line from "top to bottom", and it's fading fast. My entire abdominal area is firm and flat, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I had an armlift at the same time, and they're beautiful too! BTW, this was the "easiest" and least painful surgery that I have ever had, and I'm a "veteran" of many. I wish you the same great experience when you're ready :-)
   — Diana T.

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