has anyone that has had surgery went to the hospital for the work-up

i go to the hospital for work-up today and the nurse is making me so afraid i could not breath she was like talking me out of having the surgery she said why i dont see anything wrong with you but high blood pressure why would you have this surgery i have cryed and cryed i told her if i was not 130pds.over weight i would not be here but she keep going on and on what am i to do i have cry till i cant cry any more i am afraid who were not be but give me a break what is wrong with these people i was there for all the blood work and tests and here she is saying dont have it you know you could die i just wanted to jump out of my skin so i am back to square one again do i or dont i i am doing this for my health not for looks, for health a way to live again do the things i would like to do without stopping and telling my husband i cant walk far because my back is killing me please help if you can thank you and god bless    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 17, 2001)

December 17, 2001
Was she thin?
   — Goldilauxx B.

December 17, 2001
My Cardiologist did the same thing to me. I also heard him talking to his nurse saying why would she want to do this to herself. I left there and just sat in my car and cried my eyes out. Fortunatly he was the only doctor that did that. Make sure you surround yourself with those that support you and this experience will feel like it never happened. You have to make this decision on your own but you have to know that we all had our doubts and we all had our time of crying. I am almost 6 weeks post RNY-Lap and I am doing great. Take time and do what is right for you.
   — Kelly C.

December 17, 2001
I had a IDIOT pulmonolgist I needed approval from do the same thing to me:( It was very stressful and I would of yelled at him but he works at the same hospital as Jen my wife. I ended up changing hospitals for the sleep study over this jerk. He told me to diet and that surgery would fail. Well that was 100 pounds ago and I have medical reports from my surgeon to give this uniformed dangerous doctor. I will be seeing him shortly with my before picture and will see him once a year till he sees the light. He could of likely killed me and I am trying to prevent him from doing it to others.........
   — bob-haller

December 17, 2001
I was 132 lbs. overweight & my "best friend" told me to try to diet one more time for 6 mos. to see if I can lose weight. Scheesch, I told her "NO! I been on every diet & have dieted for-ever & I'm not going to diet any more if I can have this operation." Even though she has been a friend for about 40 years, she has always been the "green eyed monster" type ... jealous if someone gets or does something better than her. I think lots of people feel that way. It's also amazing that when you lose weight, you GAIN YOUR POWER BACK and you become very confident...and it feels great! Pooey on all those negative people! Quit crying & go for it woman ... you deserve it! Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

December 17, 2001
thank you so much for you help and no the nurse was no thin but she was not heavy either she just had to put her 2cents in were it did not belong i am going back to the doctor 27th of is jan.9 2002 and i am going to talk to him about her she does all is work-ups for him at the hosp. but i just could not believe she did this to me no matter what i weight or what i was there for she had no right to say anything to me but i let her said what she wanted at one point she gave me a little tube to use and i thought what i cant---in that and then she give me a cup thank the lord well just had to get some of this off my chest again thank and god bless you all for the posts
   — [Anonymous]

December 18, 2001
Hi, I would definetley let your doctor know about her and what she said. You mentioned that she does all his work ups. Basically if she is badgering all of his WLS patients then she is taking away from his profession and his money. I'm sure that if you tell him, he will do something about it. Plus, and this is not to say bad things about nurses or the health care profession. But, a lot of them have a negative opinion of this surgery, why?? Because they are the ones that see people that have complications. If you have a complication you go to the .... hospital, and they see you and assume, and wrong they do assume, that everyone that has WLS is like those small amount of people that have complications. You have to put a deaf ear to it. You've made your decision, and who cares what they say. Just nod your head, tell her thank you for her concern, but you have to do what is right for you.
   — [Anonymous]

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