getting cold feet! my surgery is in 2 days! help?!!

ugh... I dont know why but today it seems like I have been reading all about the complications and health problems after gastric sleeve surgery... until today I haven't had any doubts but this is for the rest of my life, you know?! I am 34... am I ready to never eat a burger or pizza again... and if I do get super sick because of it? It is paid for and I am ready to go... why am I starting to get cold feet? feelings of excitement have turned to... I dont know? ya know?... Is this normal!!!?? ahhh- March 25th is coming fast now!    — Heathersf (posted on March 22, 2010)

March 22, 2010
I am one week post-op and think it's completely natural to get cold feet...I know it did! But it passes and you'll be glad you did this. I had my VSG last Monday and feel fine!
   — KristalleH

March 22, 2010
Heather: I just had lapband surgery 2 weeks ago. I was the most nervous at 2 days pre-surgery. Even on my blog you will see a posting called Two days and 200 Second Thoughts or something like that! I know our surgeries are different and I don't know much about the sleeve, but I feel it was worth it! From what I've read, it seems many people can have most all foods at some point on down the road with some changes to it. The up side is that since I am now "forced" to eat differently, I've found some new favorites that is really exciting too! So, hang in there. Keep your goal in mind and all the positive changes that come with it. I've already lost 20 pounds and can feel the difference!
   — Libby R.

March 22, 2010
Hi there. My name is Bonnie and I am 65 and had surgery Jan 27. I have never looked back. I have ate a chicken burger and survived. Some day I will have a pizza and so will you. Life is giving you a second chance to feel better about yourself. Go forward and live a full life.
   — reallady

March 22, 2010
Heather, I would guess that almost all (if not all) of us got scared when D-Day drew near. I would take it a step further and say that I would be rather worried about someone who didn't get nervous. After all, it is a major undertaking! I can tell you that I have had not one but TWO weightloss surgeries (I suffered a mechanical failure with my first surgery which rendered it ineffective after the first 8 or so months.) I didn't hesitate to have that revision. Didn't mean I wasn't nervous but I had already had a taste of what life as a post-op if like. If I had to crawl up there a THIRD time tomorrow I would do it in an instant. Maybe it would help to look at some profiles of fairly new post-ops and read when they describle some the benefits that they have seen fairly early on, particularly ones who have had your surgery. Look and see how they are doing a few months out. Read about their excitement as the weight starts coming off and as they start to encounter their "firsts". First time to go off of insulin, high blood pressure meds, first time to fit in the booth of a restaurant comfortably, take a plane ride without a seatbelt extender (or drive in a car without one for that matter), go to an amusement park and FIT in the rides, be able to tie their own shoes (or even see their feet for that matter!), be able to comfortably use the regular restroom stalls, as they find their lap again, are able to get down and play with their kids and grandkids on the floor, can go dancing and can pretty much do anything they desire to. Then make a list of what your want YOUR milestones to be. Get a set of "reference clothing" that you will take your picture in monthly. This month is your "before" shot and every month hereafter will be such an incredible difference! Know that what you are going through is normal but once you get through to the "losing side" you will be so happy and you will be able to come back here and answer another person who is terrified. As far as not being able to EVER eat a burger or pizza again well, there will come a time where you can eat a burger (just chunk the bun) or veggie pizza (just chunk most of the crust). Food won't be the HUGE focus it is now. You will have other things competing for space in your head. And finally, any surgery has complications but they are rare. It's just as easy (and I'm sure WAY more easy actually) to get hit by a bus! If you believe in prayer, get those around you to agree with you in prayer that all will go well. Oh and don't forget to post when you get to the other side! Hugs, Kellye
   — Kellye C.

March 22, 2010
I did the same thing.... I just had surgery Friday the 19th. Its completely normal. The last week before my surgery I kept asking, am I sure, can I handle never eating anything from fast food again, and what about pizza.. I love pizza... I had a nice dinner Wed. because I was on all liquids Thursday, which made it even worse-- like wow if life going to be this bad.... I went to hospital Friday morning, strangely enough ready to do this. All the doubts I had, were gone... I was ready to change my life... Yes I did question it as I was eating all those yummy foods. As of today, I have been home from hospital since yesterday morning.... Am I going to tell you its easy, NO WAY! This has been the hardest thing to deal with! I still crave all those foods, but can not have them! I am slowly becoming ok with that. I had the RNY, and have not been able to eat, not drinking enough fluids, and take my pain medicine like its my job! Would I do this again... In a heartbeat! I know it is going to work for me, considering I have lost 4 lbs already since Friday! I say its normal to have your fears, and I agree with what someone said, I would be more afraid for if you were not doubting anything! I think the ones that do NOT doubt anything are either really ready for this, or do not comprehend how hard it is going to be. I wish you the best of luck. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me! :-)
   — tierra012683

March 22, 2010
Well I do not want to scare you but I would not do this again. I had to have RNY surgery done twice a week apart because after the first one I got blood clots. After the second surgery I ended up in the hospital for 16 days with so many complications. I had so many tubes coming out of my body. I had 16 units of blood and plasma. I am 11 weeks out and if you asked my right now if I would do it again I would tell you no. The weight loss is good but you still get cravings for all the food you like and it is very hard when people eat burgers and pizza and all that stuff in front of you. Not everyone has complications I happened to be one that did. I still get nauseaus everyday and that can go on for months. Just make sure this is something you really want.
   — cuppaloopy

March 22, 2010
My surgery was Feb 18 RNY.I had so many doubts and had heard so many negative stories.My family was wanting me to get the lap band.I drove myself to the hospital which is 2.5 hours from where I live.As I drove at 2:30 am alone to the hospital I was thinking I should just forget it and go back home,but something just kept pushing me to continue driving.Before I knew it I was at the hospital.Everything went so fast and when I came out from recovery guess who was waiting on me,all of my family! I have lost 28 pounds and I feel great! I do not regret it at all .Once I was feeling awake I told them I had RNY and not lapband.I am glad I had this procedure and would do it all over again.Don't worry you will be fine !
   — davonjack

March 23, 2010
I am 27 and my starting weight was 238. I tried so many things to get the weight off my whole life and nothing would work. The surgery works! I am 3 monthes out and down 46 lbs. I have eaten pizza, cheeseburgers, chocolate,and many other things I ate before surgery even chips, but the main things is I only ate a very small amount and then stopped. I have gotten sick a few times, but it was much worse then when you stuff yourself like a thanksgiving turkey at Olive Garden. I LOVE food and cooking and this surgery hasn't held me back from any of that. On the contrary it helps me feel so much more in control. And let me tell you when the weight starts coming off and people notice and you finally fit into pants you haven't wore in years you will never look back. I had the surgery and moved across country 5 weeks later. I had no nutritionist, I have no support system, I use this website for everything and have done well. If you are nervous about sleeve maybe you should opt for RNY because it is reversable. If you are looking for a friend you are more then welcome to add me and check out my blog! lynn redboy Good luck on your journey, be strong!
   — lynnredboy

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