blackouts and/or passing out ?

Has anyone suffered with blackouts and/or passing out after wls?    — Omee_2009 (posted on June 9, 2009)

June 9, 2009
Nearly, when I was anemic...Time for labs! Go get them!
   — .Anita R.

June 9, 2009
I hope you are telling your doctor !!
   — matigian

June 9, 2009
Fluids and protein. See your doctor.
   — lesleigh07

June 10, 2009
I have not passed out, but do get very dizzy and light headed. My doctor says we should just wait and see if it goes away. I hate that. You may need to adjust medication. Check with the doctor.
   — trible

June 10, 2009
YES! I have dizzy spells and have passed out. After a battery of test and an MRI, they could not find anything wrong, I have come to the conclusion that I was dehydrated. Whenever I get that dizzy feeling, I start drinking more fluid, and I never go out without taking ample water with me. Picking yourself up off the floor is no fun!
   — KathieV

June 10, 2009
Oh yes. I am battling this right now. First - go talk to your doctor and have some blood test and other tests ran to determine if you have some sort of inner ear issues (as that seems to be the case for my spins) and you might have low blood pressure (like me - I stand up, take a step or two and I hit the deck). I have vertigo (so they think and I see a ear, nose, throat doc end of next week) and low, very low blood pressure. When I go from a laying down or sittig down to a standing position I see stars. I drink gatorade daily to keep me from getting dehydrated - there are other drinks that add electroltyes, try them and see if they help. are you drinking a lot during the day? This is all of the advice I can give - to tell you what is going on with me and for you to see your doc and explain your symptoms and talk to him/her about vertigo, inner ear issues and low blood pressure. Goodluck.
   — jammerz

June 10, 2009
Actually yes, this has happened to me recently on Saturday, May 23,'09 at the Container Store! I'm not sure why and I didn't do or eat anything differently from what I normally do. I was actually scheduled for my 6-month check up on Thursday, May 28th so I waited until then and besides I already had done my labs for my follow-up and had to wait for them to come back, so while visiting with my doctor and going over my labs we discovered my B-12 & my iron was low, so he gave me a B-12 shot and told me to increase my iron intake and see how that works and so far, there have been no more fainting spells. <br> Maybe get your labs done and definitely check with your doctor, good luck! <br> StrangePassion XOXO
   — StrangePassion

June 10, 2009
hi my name is sandy passing out is not good you should go to your doctor or the er to get checked there something wrong that realy needs to get checked right away . i hope you will be ok take care sandy
   — sandy fairweather

June 11, 2009
I was getting very dizzy and it was low blood sugar. My nut adjusted my diet and I'm fine now. Go see your doc
   — amylbarron

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