Fat Burners

Can rny 1yr out pt. take leviathan to break up stubborn fat    — barbie66 (posted on January 26, 2009)

January 27, 2009
I would love to answer you but I could not find this "thing" when I Googled it. Got a lot of stuff about the Book of JOB from the Bible. Can U please tell me what it is. I am under chell1957 or [email protected] Thanks!
   — chell1957

January 27, 2009
You should definitely check with your dr on this one. I don't take any meds or supplements without checking with my dr. I'm afraid of damaaging my pouch but then again I have a hard time with my stomach because it's inflamed. Be careful.
   — Corina C

January 27, 2009
Google leviathan fat burner
   — barbie66

January 27, 2009
This is something you need to speak with your doctor about. We are not doctors (most of us) and do not know your personal medical history to give this kind of advice. Some things to think about, Leviathan has caffeine in it, I'm not sure how much but I know this is sometimes something WLS patients are told to avoid. An ad I saw for Leviathan talked about it alterings hormone levels (estrogen and testosterone) which, on top of the hormonal changes that usually come with WLS, could potentially cause problems. I am very skeptical of this type of thing, because if it truly worked, why would we need WLS? Why would there still be fat people? But please, whatever you decide, check with your doctor first. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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