7 years post op RNY gained 90 pounds can anything else be done???

seems my pouch has stretched,gained 90 pounds back.Can they make pouch smaller again??    — mattsgemm (posted on January 19, 2009)

January 19, 2009
I thought my pouch had stretched because I am 5 1/2 years post op and gained 30 pounds. I started eating healthy snacks and meals and noticed that my tummy has shrunk back down when I am not stuffing crappy food in it all day long. I also started excercising 5 days a week for 30 min. I have lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks. You can do it too!!! Hang in there and find something that will work for you.
   — Carlyn M.

January 19, 2009
I am always amazed that people go through major surgery and then don't follow the plan that was outlined to help get the weight off. I am a lab bander and If I should start to gain weight, I first of all stop eating and look at what is going on in my life. I go back to the first week of eating and move forward from there. Gastric bypass is only as good as the person who had it done. Good luck in getting back to basics and not looking for a quick fix. There are non out there.
   — susangielda06

January 19, 2009
you happens.i am only 1 month post-op, but i have several close friends who have had gastric bypass done several years ago. yes, its important to eat healthy, but we are only human. so to what the previous lady said, which i think was rude, we are all human. just try your best to eat healthy. i know its hard because thats how we got to this place. but i will be praying for you and i think you can do it. have you thought of something like weight watchers. i think if you combine that, plus your tool(pouch), you should be fine.
   — jackie L.

January 19, 2009
I would recommend you go back to the basics like you did right after surgery. If you don't still have the information, call your surgeon and/or nutritionist and schedule and appointment which might not be a bad idea anyway. Small meals, no snacks, lots of water, protein first and then veggies. Eat slowly and mindfully, really taking the time to savor your food and notice when you are satisfied- NOT full. Set a reasonable goal for weekly exercise and celebrate small victories. Weigh weekly and notice your triggers. Get any inappropriate foods out of the house so you'll be less likely to graze. Also, keeping a food journal or "tracking" makes people soooo much more likely to be successful and you can really notice in the numbers where you might need some tweaking. More protein, less carbs, too much sodium, etc. Also, take your vitamins. You'll be surprised when you get a good day under your belt, you'll want another. Get a healthy week under your belt and the scales move a bit and you'll be motivated to do more. Hang in there, tomorrow is always another day. Don't wait- start now as life is not a dress rehearsal- this is all we have so we shouldn't hesitate to make the most of it. Also, make a list of things you want to do/accomplish when you've lost your weight and place it somewhere where you can see it every day. Buy a little black dress in a small size and challenge yourself to get in it. Reward yourself frequently- perhaps 5 pounds at a time with a pair of earrings or something you like.... as long as it is not food. These are things that help me when I'm struggling- which frankly is right now. Deal with your stressors instead of stuffing them. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

January 19, 2009
I understand what you are going through. The same thing is happening to me. It will be 5 years in May that I had gastric bypass, I was fine for a long time until last year and the weight started piling on. I have gained about 20 lbs in one year!! My bowels have changed so much, and I think that has a lot to do with it also. I used to be able to go to the bathroom without a problem, but now I need Zelnorm or something to help me on a regular basis. I just started to exercising five days a week to get this weight off. I feel I have come too far to go back to my old self. Hang in there, and try as some of the previous readers have said, get back to basics.
   — mypookface

January 19, 2009
well i have not had my surgery yet, i have another appointment with the nut. and psych the first week of feb. but i am really trying to diet and drink lots of water- BOY is it hard!! don't even think about what the lady said about having this surgery and and then not following blah blah blah, We are human and we do need encouraged. Take baby steps just like Dawn said. Do something nice for you when you get 5 pounds off. JUst go back to your basics adn you can do it!! remember you are worth it. Call your Nut. and see if they can help you get back on the wagon. Keep us informed and let us know how you are doing. This site is so wonderful and helpful-( usually) I will be praying for you. and God bless you for reaching out for help! Sometimes that is what we need- just to reach out for help. Hang in there.YOu did it before you can do it again!!! Blessing your way and hugs, Cora
   — jnclshrum

January 19, 2009
I just wanted to say hi and that we are all here for you, sorry some people never make mistakes guess that was for me and you lol, anyway u r on the right track just by blogging here and asking for help. Some people do not realise that some have eating issues and this surgery does not take all of our mental peoblems away, if u need to talk email me I would gladly be your supporter, I hope someone as you would be here in for me in 7 years, sorry some people are out rude. Bless you I hope u get on the right track Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

January 19, 2009
Hi Margaret, Everyone except the lady who apparently thinks we are machines has it right. I had this surgery 21 years ago. I can tell any of you brave, gorgeous gals that we are human and we do makes mistakes. Anything you do to improve yourself is not a waste of time nor is it a competition. I agree with Jackie that she was a bit rude. And there is no quick fix. I've struggled with weight all my life, I'm 54 now. I still have 75 pounds to go. I don't know about the rest of you but I am not a super model nor do I think the average human woman is either. I do exercise 5 days a week. Perhaps some of you should look into something called nia. the website is One of my good friends teaches it. This is serious exercise, aerobics, strength training, yoga and karate all incorporated into one form of exercise. As you keep hearing and those of us who know how to do some of the physical things: baby steps. Nia is fun which is why people love it. It is a freeform of the old "conventional" ideas. You can do this. I swim and do swimercise. This is good for those who are what is considered morbidly obese, overweight, have certain injuries. If you have a pool, or better a hot tub or jacuzzi available, then you can exercise in the water. You body will get the benefit but not the serious injury. Oh, and before I forget, nia is always done barefoot. If you want to communicate further; I'm [email protected]. Good Luck and God Bless, I will pray for you, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 19, 2009
Hey there Margaret, I already posted a response to your question earlier about your weight gain. However, I failed to mention that if you have in fact stretched your pouch, you could check into the Stomaphyx procedure or possibly a revision or a Band over Bypass. I too have gained weight back, but I know it is just from too much recliner therapy and making poor food choices. I'm kinda in a funk right now. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the very best of luck. This is a life long struggle as this is a very serious addiction. One hour, one meal, one day at a time. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

January 19, 2009
You should check out the 5 day pouch test. I did it and it worked for me. lost 11 lbs in 5 days and helped me get back on track. You should look into therapy also. I go to a specialist in Bariatrics and she has helped me deal with the issues that push me to overeat or to make the wrong choices regarding food. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

January 19, 2009
I don't know about medical procedures after gbs, but I do know that the spirit is willing and MY flesh is weak. I think we all have demons to deal with and I try to look at food as a necissity, not pleasure. But it is hard and I am only 7 months out. I am 14 lbs from goal and pray I learn to be stronger. Congrats on losing the weight to begin with and I would advise to get back to basics and follow up with your doctor. They can do an ultrasound or something to see if the pouch is stretched or not. Good Luck and god Bless!Hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

January 19, 2009
Margaret, we will all be praying for you and will be here for moral support. We are so lucky to have this site for support. I am CHEROKEE, and was taught that everyday is a new day, and with every new day, there is a new friend waiting to be found. Sounds like to me, you have just found a lot of new friends, who will not judge you. And Susan, sweet girl, we will all be there for you to, if you need us. Hey, post some pictures of you on your path to the small world, and a daily log for us to read on how you are able to maintain your goals, and maybe it can help people who are failing to get back on track... REMEMBER.... we are all human, and this is the reason we have had some type of surgery to help us. We do not know what type of drama is going on in ones life... Like me, I try to do as my Doctor said, but I have been without vitamins and protien for 4 weeks and will be another 6 weeks before I get any money to get them. I am surviving on eggs, and cottage cheese. Just try to remember, everyone has a life and with that life is a different story.... Love and Suppot is all we need on this forum... and we love you to Susan.
   — daizi55

January 21, 2009
Diet can help shrink your pouch...Cutting back and getting back on track can make your tool work more efficiently again. If you have stretched your pouch, you will have to be very aware of everything you eat so you do not gain more...But stretched or not...the only way to lose weight is to cut back calories and get in some good work outs! Start weighing and measuring food servings and eat only til you are not hungry rather than continue eating for that "full feeling"...Protein and complex carbs will make you stay fuller longest...Denser protein like meats (steak, chicken and pork...or brown rice, whole grains, beans etc) So measure out 4 ounces and if you still feel hunger...add an ounce...But try not to eat more than 4-6 ounces of protein per meal and some veggies/fruits and whole grains as sides...Don't try to eat til you are full...Eat slowly and chew! Let your pouch have time to catch up to your eyes and brain! They are often off by about 15 minutes! UNLESS you are using your tool by listening to it...Having another surgery comes with risks greater than weight gain...and I personally would NOT do a revision....but that is only my personal choice based on the risks. The stomaphyx only has a 30 lb weight loss average..and many gain that right back from what I have been hearing ( It's only you'd have to do the research)...So I'd much rather try to get reaquainted with my pouch and allow it the chance to work for me again by doing my part as I should have been doing. I am NOT judging...I fell way off track last winter...I was eating like I never had surgery...I KNOW how easy it is to go that route...and I know how it feels to think you've destroyed your pouch...But I started back to the basics and started a food log and cut calories and It was HARD! It was SLOW and there were long plateaus and I thought I'd never lose the 10 pounds I gained in one month! It took me 4 months to lose those 10 lbs and finally get off the sugar and simple carbs...learn where to cut back and work up to a good execerise routine as a daily lifestyle again...But I did it! And I KNOW I didn't stretch my pouch like I thought I did. But I feel hunger so much more now at 5 years and that can be hard to ignore! I did have to go to bed hungry because I hit my caloric intake and didn;t want to eat more! I learned that I was eating slider foods...that were not making me full for long (soft foods)...I was grazing...and eating stuff I shouldn't (sugar, simple carbs and fried snacks and such) Not like pre-op but I was eating crap like this daily instead of moderately.....I was drinking with my meals! Yeah! I did EVERYTHING wrong...and got it all back on track by just doing it going back tothe original basics again to start and logging, weighing and measuring food...cutting calories and eating lean...Been a year and maintaining again as I have all these years until last year! You can do this...but you have to work for it! I don't even know how I got so off...I just went to vist my mom and she just fed me and I didn't say no firm enough...It snuck up REALLY fast!
   — .Anita R.

January 22, 2009
You know things happen and this site I thought was to help each other and give support. Susan Gielda was just being mean and if she was so perfect and skinny she wouldn't have needed to get the lap band. People like her really get own my nerves. when her big butt eat her way out of her band dont look for us to support you. You should never look down on other people because you don't know their situation. With that being said try the 5 day pouch test it seems to work for alot of people
   — TTT

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