******update *****I have either a block artery or breast to large

I have either a block artery or breast to large I have completed 5 out of 6 nut, psychologists, pulmonologist, sleep study and cardiologist. I got my result back to day from the stress test and was told I have a block artery. I was so freaked the doc explained I will have to have a Cardiac catheter. The doc also said I may not have a blocked atery it may be a false reading due to my breast size. I saw the video and freaked again. I know some of you may have had this issue can you please give me some help on what will happen. is there anyway my breast size could give a false reading. And if I do have a blockage and they have to do a stent how soon after this can you have your surgery. Last thing what does the thoracic surgeon test for ******************************************** Update I had the cardio cath and there was no blockage yeah for big breast. I know some of you have had this issue and i wondered if you had to wait after the 3 week check up before for the doc to give you the all clear for surgery. I just really wanted to thank everyone for all of the support and encouraging words.    — sawwas (posted on September 16, 2008)

September 23, 2008
I had a grossly abnormal nuclear stress test. It scared the Hell out of me too. I was scheduled for a cardic catherization the next day and it was totally normal...Thank God! The abnormal test was in retrospect abnormal because of my excessively large breasts. Good luck on your additional testing to clarify this situation further.
   — cvalent1

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