is acid reflux normal after surgery?

I had surgery April 15th. And now it seems I have acid reflux when I go to bed. i end up getting up and getting sick. This just started happeong this week. Is it normal? Is it an obstruction? Does anyone else have this? And what is a possible resolution?! Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.    — ljdouc (posted on September 7, 2008)

September 7, 2008
I still have to take meds for GERD even though I'm so far from my surgery. I would say check with your doctor. You may need some medication.
   — Shirley D.

September 7, 2008
I've had acid reflux my entire life, and surgery is the only thing that finally fixed it. I took Nexium for the first week following surgery, and now I don't take anything. I'd have it checked out - I'd hate for it to be a sign of something more serious. Good luck!
   — AmyTrix

September 7, 2008
i had acid reflex before my surgury and my doctor has his paitents all take pepcid for a full 30 days after surgery as well. talk to your doctor but I did have it a little after but it went away before the 30 days was up.
   — anajera

September 7, 2008
My research has found that temporary relief can often be found by sleeping in a recliner. This can sometimes be caused by bile from the liver backing up into the stomach when you lay down at night. This can happen because you no longer have a stoma to keep the bile out. It is best to avoid eating a few hours before you go to bed. If your lower esophageal sphincter is weak, it will allow the bile to flow into your esophagus and cause acid reflux. Acid reducers like Nexium or Prilosec may help, but, PLEASE see your physician! I hope this helps, Hugh.
   — hubarlow

September 7, 2008
I had SEVERE GERD prior to surgery. Mine was so bad that if I went without my medicine for more than 3 days in a row, I FELT it! My surgeon required his patients to use an antacid for 6 full months after surgery. I am happy to report that I am now 13 1/2 months out and no longer take any antacids and no longer have any heartburn! I would say (since you are only 4 1/2 months out) that if it does not resolve in the next month or two, then I would ask the doctor about it.
   — ALafferty

September 9, 2008
I had that same thing happen to me but, my Doctors office took some of my fluid out of my band. They said if I was waking up from my sleep and getting sick I was probaby too tight. I am also on protonix for acid reflex which I never had before. Donna
   — DonaJ

September 21, 2008
I take prilosec and it works wonders!
   — Fluffee

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