Help! On week three of PO and gaining weight?

I am on week three Post Op surgery. I lost 24 pounds the first two weeks but now since I am on pureed foods I am gaining weight. I have gained 2 pounds this week! I am so discouraged, I feel like I am just going to keep on gaining weight. Is this normal? I eat my protein and I drink my water but I just keep gaining. Is anyone else having this issue at three weeks. Will I ever lose this weight? I eat 400-600 calories a day. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!    — jann91 (posted on August 10, 2008)

August 10, 2008
First, watch the salt. You are probably NOT putting on fat weight with that many calories. Sip, sip, sip, keep the fluids going in to wash out all the residue of the fat u are burning. You will start dropping again. Also, make sure you are getting all the protein you should, so your body doesn't go into starvaton mode and slow you down. Try to only weigh once a week on the same day. That was hard for me, but once I quit obcessing over the numbers on the scales, I felt better. Measure yourself too. When you lose weight it takes a bit for the fat cells to shrink, the measurements sometimes show more of a loss than the numbers on the scale. Congratulations on your loss. Think about this, have you ever lost 24 lbs in two weeks before? Keep pushing!
   — lesleigh07

August 10, 2008
It's probably water...Don't weigh yourself so often! And stay away from salt and MSG...Often you retain water if you are not getting enough too...So drink drink drink...Whenever you are not should be drinking...You have to wash allthe "junk and fat" outta your system. The less stress to your kidneys and liver the more smooth the operation and the healthier you stay too! You are doing fine! Your goal should be to try to make clear urine...All the vits don't get absorbed and need to get washed out too...So your urine will often be orange...By the end of the day you should be clear! That is how much water you need to be drinking! Try it and see if that doesn't stop you from retaining water...When your body trusts that you are getting enough fluids...It will release the water it's storing for you!
   — .Anita R.

August 10, 2008
Everyone I know has stalled or gained a couple once they started mushies. It's perfectly normal! You system is in a state of shock. But I promise that as long as you are doing what you're supposed to be doing, you will lose weight. Push fluids and hang in there! 24 pounds in 2 weeks is incredible!
   — GlitterGal

August 17, 2008
Increase your protein intake, you should up protein to 80 grams a day and still drink your liquids, at least 64 oz a day, and more if you can. Start a walking program.
   — KRWaters

August 17, 2008
Don't feel bad, I freaked out too!!! I got my monthly friend and started PO in the same week and gained like 4 pounds!! YIKES. In my head I knew it was probably water weight but it still made me mad! Don't be down and out, when your body realizes you're still gonna feed it, you'll start losing again. Everyone has already posted what I would agree with. Just keep to your program and you'll start losing again. Throw away the scale!! It's evil! :) Keep up the good work and it will pay off!
   — sassypaige614

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