I am 11 days post op and my stomach is so tender and I can't bend over.

can anyone relate? I called the doctor and the nurse said it was normal. however; this is the first time it has been this tender    — nancykish (posted on July 14, 2008)

July 14, 2008
The best thing you can do is walk as much as possible as soon as will help you heal and get better sooner........walk around the house.......get up and down as often as you can. Pam / Ft Worth ....Bandster Bites [email protected]

July 14, 2008
You may also be constipated? My abdomen gets very tender when I am constipated.
   — Gena L.

July 15, 2008
I had this problem for about two to three weeks after surgery. Remember you had things cut and moved around down there so you are going to stay a little tender.
   — Melanie C.

July 15, 2008
My surgery area was sore the first year...But I had open RNY...Still it took a very long time before I felt no pain at all near my pouch area...There are all kinds of aches and pains that come and go...The thing to worry about is when it becomes worse and chronic...Then you call the doc...but's gonna hurt a while...Forget sneezing! Or a cold with cough! Ouch! Don't get a cold! LOL It gets better day by day...Hugs!
   — .Anita R.

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