When shoud I expect to have a bowel movement for the 1st time

Hi, I just had my surgery on June 25th. Everything is going perfectly. I am still on liquids. I was wondering when I can expect to have a bowel movement for the first time. Does anyone know? Thanks!    — havensurgery25 (posted on June 30, 2008)

June 30, 2008
Hi I had mine done May 5 and was home on the 7th. I think I was having loose (black) movements in a couple of days. It was so bad at first it was hard to make it to the bathroom in time. That went away after a few days. The nurse told me at first that I could take colace if i wasn't having any. Hope this helps. Arden
   — bikermama

June 30, 2008
Congrats on your surgery! It could take a while for a BM. I think it took me about 6 days post op and then it took me probably 3 weeks before it wasn't "liquid out" as well. So don't be worried. My doc repeated to me over and over that it's okay to not have BMs every day and it's perfectly okay to have them once a week after this surgery. It takes your bowels some time to 'wake up' immediately following the surgery, so keep that in mind too. Hope you're doing well!
   — MandyR

June 30, 2008
My first BM was about a week. They flush you out real good, so it takes time for that liquid diet to product much other than urine. I had diareia the first two times. It passed to normal about week three. Some ladies have trouble with constipation. I never did.
   — William (Bill) wmil

June 30, 2008
That is so funny that you asked that question. I had my surgery on June 26th, 07 so I just had my year anniversery. I have lost 139 pounds and feel great. I asked that question the very first question too. If I remember it was about a week before i had my first bm. Congrats on your new life. Marian
   — 0204

June 30, 2008
That is so funny that you asked that question. I had my surgery on June 26th, 07 so I just had my year anniversery. I have lost 139 pounds and feel great. I asked that question the very first question too. If I remember it was about a week before i had my first bm. Congrats on your new life. Marian
   — 0204

June 30, 2008
Are you able to pass gas alright? I have heard anywhere from a few days to a week or so. I was one of those who had diarrhea, and still do for the most part. My doc says to be thankful as most people suffer from constipation after WLS so consider myself lucky. Woohoo!!! When it does come, it 'aint gonna be like it used to be sister. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

June 30, 2008
I think you should have already had one. Your body continually makes waste. I went to the bathroom the day after I had surgery. I would call your Dr.
   — Joanc

June 30, 2008
I had my RNY on June 26th and had my first BM yesterday. As long as you are having gas I would give it a few more days. You should be going back to the doctor soon for your check up, right?
   — smd

June 30, 2008
Hi! I just had my RnY on june 19th...The first time I had a bm was in the was very small and liquid...but I never had teh black stool others speak of. When I got home I started to have my regular bm's in the morning. By regular I mean that something happened.The watery ones went away once I was home a few days. But I have heard of people going a week with nothing and keeping this schedule after surgery. I have ibs and this may contribute to my daily ones. Congrats ont he surgery! I hope you have better luck with protein that I seem to be!
   — gpcmist

July 1, 2008
I had my RNY on the 24th and was going on the 26th. I was given a stool softener, but only took it once. The stuff was vile. I told my husband there was a reason it was in was sealed in a jel cap. I switched to Miralax at half suggested does. I told my doc about it yesterday at my 1 week post op, he said I only needed the stool softener if I was taking the oxycodine, which I was only taking at night.
   — Lisa B.

July 1, 2008
I am now 7 wks post lap RNY. My first bm was about 3 days post op. However, unlike many others posted here, they never were and still are not liquid. Since then, I go about every 7 days, sometimes more. It would seem that liquid in, liquid out. Not for me. I have always had formed stools and I was on liquids for 8 weeks including 2 weeks pre op. I currently go about every 7 days which for me is so scarey. The stress of wondering if this is going to hurt or kill me can be overwhelming. lol I walk about 2 miles at least 4 times a week which keeps the gas moving along but after 1 week with no bm I start to get a little irritable and bloated. I am now on Miralax half dose every 3rd day (generic form is still by prescription and most copays are $10 verses the $18 OTC for Miralax) It does not make me go more often, but it keeps it soft for a painless bm. I battled with constipation before surgery and was told by my doc that Miralax would run right through me... not so at all. Even with the Miralax there are times when I need a dose of MOM to stimulate my body to go. Don't panic, everyone is different and it may take a couple of months to find your rhythm. In the coming weeks, if you begin to feel bloated and gasy, consider taking something gentle so you won't back up. On liquids you will not produce much volume and it takes longer to work through your system but don't let it get out of hand. You have to stay hydrated or the stools will dry out and stop and you don't want that. Now is definitely the time to watch the signs your body is showing you and make note of it. Sip, sip, sip. As filling as the liquid is at this point, keep drinking! Best of luck and congratulations on your new life!
   — texast

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