If you had an irregular menstrual before the surgery, did it become regular and when?

I was diagnosed with PCOS prior to weightloss surgery and experienced irregular periods, I was wondering if anyone's period became regular without the use of birth control pills or progestorone.    — Kenyatta C. (posted on May 3, 2008)

May 3, 2008
i too have PCOS and i didn't have a period for almost 2 years before my RNY. since immediately after my surgery my periods have returned and are kinda regular. last month i had 2 periods, which gets aggravating, but estrogen is stored in fat and with wt loss surgery especially RNY you loose wt so fast and the estrogen is being released into your body so you may have extra/irregular periods for a while. i am on the pill and have been for like 10 years. good luck and i hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

May 3, 2008
I had PCOS prior to weight loss surgery...and was on metformin since 1999....which helped me a great deal. It regulated my periods...that sometimes were over 100 days overdue.....were now like clockwork....every 28-30 days...and resulted in me finally conceiving in 2003....having my son in 2004....all the while remaining on metformin during pregnancy. I went off metformin 6 weeks prior to my surgery...because I had missed it for a week while on vacation and ran out of my Rx, and when I started back on it...was very ill. I had surgery then in Oct. 2007 and my cycles were all messed up and I was miserable. I went on a half dose of what I was on before of the metformin...and cycles are back on track....and I was down 75 pounds when I did this. I tried birth control....but it made me ill and miserable....metformin seems to be what works for me. My surgeon said it was fine to long as I don't have liver and kidney issues...which I don't....and since I'm on a much lower dose and doing's okay. I don't know if PCOS ever really goes away.....even with tremendous weight loss....but know that some people say their symptoms lessen. So it might be trial and error for you after you lose a lot of weight.....or you might be one of the fortunate ones that the weight loss regulates your cycles. I just know that having a regular period for something I need....and metformin seems to do that for me. You definitely want to be practicing with some form of birth control during this weight loss time perhaps the pill is the answer for you. Just make sure you're working closely with your doctor with all of this. Best wishes.....and if you need some support....feel free to call on me.......Hugs....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

May 3, 2008
I have PCOS and even though I've lost a lot of weight I still have my symptoms. I went back on NuvaRIng as soon as my doctor gave permission after surgery, which was nearly three years ago. Sometimes I'll skip a period, sometimes I'll have two a month and sometimes it'll be a week early. So even though I lost all of the weight and gained all of the health benefits that go along with that, it seemed to make little difference with the PCOS. I guess everyone is different though so please talk it over with your doctor. Best wishes for health and happiness.
   — djfoz

May 4, 2008
That is so crazy that you posted that question. I too have PCOS and am 3 months post op and have lost about 60 pounds. Just today I started my first period own my own since I was a teenager. I usually have to take provera or get on birth control pills but today I got my first one!! I am so excited. Our only child (so far) was conceived with fertility treatment because I don't ovulate at all on my own. So hopefully we won't have any problems this time. Good luck to you!!! Angie (sillyguts)
   — Sillyguts

May 14, 2008
I had RNY on 9-10-07. I had PCOS prior to surgery. After surgery, I did have a period or two, but have not had them return on a regular basis.
   — Roxy_

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