HELP! Father extremely severe obese!!

Hi I am scheduled for RNY in May.. yeah for me, but I can't be happy because my father is extremely overweight. He is about 400 or more pounds, 5'8. High BP, Diabete, can't do anything himself, irritable, mean, eats and eats and picks at food, leg is swelled up and can't move. He is too old for surgery. He can't stop eating. Is there a place to send him for intervention? Or is there a diet of shakes and food I could get for him to follow, please help!!!    — tayee24 (posted on April 15, 2008)

April 14, 2008
Congratulations on your decision to change your life and get healthy! About your father, if he is completely immobile- my biggest question is who is bringing this man the food? It sounds like he is addicted to food like most of us who suffer from this disease of obesity. Food is our drug of choice. It is no different than someone buying and serving alcohol to an alcoholic in my opinion. I would highly reccomend an appointment with his PCP as soon as possible for suggestions on treatment. There are diet shakes and all kinds of diets out there- it is really best for his physician to prescribe. I have been reading a lot about the Gastric Balloon procedure lately for those who are super obese or are poor surgical candidates. Might be something to discuss. Remember though, no matter what you want for him, he has to be want to and be willing to change.
   — DawnVic

April 14, 2008
I agree with Dawn, "he has to want to and be willing to change" before he will succeed in ANY weight loss program. I needed RNY surgery 15 years ago, but until I was ready, no amount of talking, pleading and begging from my family, friends and doctors made a difference. I had to make the decision for myself. You might want to talk to him about counceling. Sometimes they can get to the root of the problem, it could be depression or some other reason he's irritable, mean and is using food as a "good friend". That said and done, CONGRATS on your upcoming surgery, we're waiting for you on the "loser's side". Best of luck to you and your dad.
   — Nee P

April 14, 2008
Hi thats so sweet . But rightnow I think you deserve to keep the attention on yourself. I don't think there is any such intervention available. If you know who it is a call to his doctor might be a good thing...but if he doesn't accept help don't be surprised. Try to learn from it and keep your own life and weight in focus. Nobody can change anybody except themselves...but you will change you and some of your family history with your own success. Give yourself the gift and let God handle your father... love..Suzle
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 14, 2008
How old is "too old"?? I had my RNY at 59, 2 years ago. And there are several in my local support groups older than I am.
   — Dave Chambers

April 14, 2008
Tammy, I was 385 before surgery and 62 years old. I have a lady that I met and she is having surgery at 73 years old next month and is 360 lbs. How old is too old? I took 19 drugs, and after just three months have a A1C of 5.6 (no longer diabetic) blood pressure of 100/55, total colestrol of 95 and now only that my vitatmins and suppliments plus synthroid for my bad thyroid. It does cure a lot of the problems you described. I work out in the gym every day, and never had had this much engery. His mood might be cause from depression. Over weight can cause sever depression, and there are mood swings while loosing weight, so have him checked by a good doctor, and find out what can be done. Remember he has got to want to do it for it to be sucessful. I would be glad to write him if he wanted to talk to someone that has been through it. Congrads on your decision. By the way, I had a RNY on December 5, 2007. I now weigh 244 and lossing every day.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 15, 2008
Congratulations for you. About your father, my son is younger and his weight is about the same and my daughter in law went on weight watchers and she put him on the diet three weeks ago and he has lost over 15 pounds and he said it is not keeping him starving. They do the point system. I am very proud of both. She has lost over 40 pounds since Novermber.
   — dyates2948

April 15, 2008
Maybe after seeing you succeed with your weight loss, you can "sell" him on your new way of eating and get him to eat the kind of things you will have begun to eat and stop eating the kind of stuff that got you both(us all) to an unhealthy size. He might allow you to help him if he sees it's really working for you and you show him a great attitude towards it. Til then, you should allow this moment to be your own and enjoy it...It's an exciting new journey and you deserve it to be about you. He will be amazed as you begin to shrink and you can bring him a plate of what you are eating in a larger size...Not right away (As you will be eating all kinds of strange soft baby mush foods!) But should be eating dense high proteins and no sugars, and only complex carbs....Lower fats....Just bring him what you are having. Instead of Ice cream...Bring him a big old protein smoothie, even if you have to disquise it with a little ice cream and fruit in his (do a no sugar added ice cream) There are so many things you can do to please him and help him at the same time. Gradually cut back full fat foods for lighter fats and ween him slowly. Just dropping a few hundred calories from his diet will help him... Good luck
   — .Anita R.

April 15, 2008
Per my surgeon (Dr. Trace Curry in Cinci), the VSG has a wider patient base (e.g., teens and seniors) because it has fewer complications than some of the other procedures out there. From what I've read, it can be performed laparoscopically on patients as large as 500 pounds, and has been used as a 'first step' to other procedures in patients over 60 BMI for a really long time. The surgery is only about an hour, so that in itself prevents a lot of complications in more fragile patients. The VSG started being performed as a 'standalone' procedure after doctors found that many patients were satisfied with thier weight loss after the first stage of the BPD/DS (which is the VSG) and never returned for the second stage. Your father might qualify for the VSG...and once his health has improved he could have a second stage procedure (DS or RNY) if he decides to. I chose the VSG for myself because I was worried about stoma and stricture and dumping issues...and the VSG lets you keep your own pyloric valve. Your stomach is a little bigger after the VSG than after the RNY (2-5oz capacity, depending on how long your stomach is), but the part of the stomach that produces the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin is removed. I got a lot of good info on the VSG from I'm sure this site has a lot of info too (though I can't access it from work--almost my only internet access right now). Good luck and God bless on your surgery and your father's health! April
   — abeeba

April 15, 2008
How old is TOO old? Is your father even WILLING to have the procedure DONE? If NOT then as they used to say in the Old West, "You can lead a Horse to Water. but you can't make him drink." Bariatric surgery has to be the choice for each INDIVIDUAL to make for HIMSELF. As much as you love your dad, if he has his heart set on eating himself to death, you can't stop him. If he is WILLING to have the surgery done but has been unable to find a doctor or a procedure that can be performed, there may be a solution for him. One option may to be to look for another surgeon. Get a SECOND opinion. Just because ONE doctor says he is too old doesn't mean that he actually IS too old. It just may mean that THAT doctor didn't want to take the risk. Another alternative may be a new procedure that has come out. You can BET that the insurance companies will probably NOT cover it or at least not without a BIG fight but if you can afford it or find it done cheaply OUTSIDE the US it may be an option for a self pay procedure. You can find a link explaining the procedure here:,content/cmsID,10601/ . Basically there is NO cutting involved. The surgeon just goes in through the esophagus and puts some spike like devices into the wall of the stomach at two points in the wall and draws the stomach up. He does this at various areas around the stomach until he has reduced the VOLUME that the stomach can hold by basically FOLDING the wall of the stomach in upon itself. At the moment there seems to be no long term studies on weight loss results but if you are in need and are willing to try it then it may be worth the cost. From what I have seen, the cost of the procedure is about $9,000.00 here in the US. I don't know if you can get the job done in Mexico yet. Recovery time seems to be very short withs some of the comments saying that folks were back to work the next day. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

April 15, 2008
Yes there is a place...a 12 step program called Over Eaters Anonymous. U can find it on the web also. But like anyone with a eating disorder or a mental health problem (or both) he has to want the help. Get him to his primary to be sure he is following Dr. orders on diet (I am sure he is not) then get him to mental health ASAP. If U need to, stage an intervention, just like for a addict (is drug of choice is food) and get into a in hospital program. This U will have to research to great end. Also realize, he is a grown man capable of making choices. So unless U know there are reasons he is mentally which case U need to get some form of warned its a slippery slope. Good luck and congratulations on your surgery, good luck with the family issue.
   — chell1957

April 15, 2008
Good luck with your upcoming surgery and change of life, it is absolutely wonderful! As far as your Dad goes, you need to contact a weight loss intervention center in a big city that deals with morbidly obese patients. There are a lot of them in New York and most big cities that del with your Dad's eating disorder and his health problems too! Just google it and start calling! Your Dad needs more than just a diet and shakes, he has a lot of emotional issues that need to be addressed! Good luck! Lori in Micihgan
   — reretheplaylady

April 16, 2008
FYI - I saw a show on the Discovery Health channel about a rehab place for the severely obese called the Brookhaven Center.
   — Pam-TX

April 16, 2008
How old is he? I know someone who had the surgery and she was in her late 60's or early 70's. And she had Gastric Bypass. he will not stop eating unless he wants to do it. Like a smoker, they wont stop unless they want to stop. bottom line
   — Joanc

April 16, 2008
Congratulations on your decision. It's the best decision you will ever make. How old is too old? I'm 61 and just had the RNY in February and have lost 45 pounds so far. I have diabetes too but am slowly getting off my meds. Your father will have to make the decision himself but maybe if he sees how well you do on it, it will give him hope.
   — SLittle1

April 19, 2008
I heard that "we are a sum of the five people we spend the most time with". It is my prayer that your father will be encouraged by your example and follow your lead.
   — J C

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