
yesterday my dr told me i have diabete then told me to come back next week to see him. i m very frusterated right now because i can never seem to get in a conversation for nothing. while sitting there in the dr room my head fealt like it was swimming, my eyes fealt huge and was very difficult to comprehend things off and on most of the day i cant tell you where i was can not even remember only parts. right now iam having a slight headach, my left arm is tingly and my left leg and foot, my eyes are feeling funky again too. shouldnt my dr have asked me to come back after luch instead of sending me home? it was lunch for them so i had to go and because i dont know what the symptoms of diabetes are i assumed i was just having another yucky day and didnt mention it to him. i just lately got him to agree with me on the weightloss surgey and im scared that if i try to go to another dr i wont be able to get the surgery. any suggestions? Also, how will i know if my sugar is too low or too high>    — candy L. (posted on February 8, 2008)

February 8, 2008
I can believe your are feeling quite yucky right now. My daughter was diagnosed at 3 years old. She is 16 now. But, you will need to get a blood glucose monitor to see where your blood sugar levels are all the time. Try to stay away from sugar and too many carbs until you see the doctor again. Average readings in the range of 80 - 180 is normal with diabetes. Hope this helps some.
   — datagirl2

February 8, 2008
My suggestion would be for the time being to keep him as your primary dr since he agrees to help you with the insurance with the weight loss surgery but to ask for a referrel to a diabetes specialist(endocrinologist) to handle your diabetes. With an endocrinologist you should get detailed education regarding diabetes, lifestyle changes, and needed diet changes. Good luck to you!
   — wizardofoz

February 8, 2008
I agree with Kristen about asking for a referral for an endocrinologist - they usually have classes as wll as staff who can educate you and answer all your questions. I personally would have liked the 2nd appointment instead of being fit in after lunch - your doctor probably did that so there would be enough time to talk to you. I suggest you spend part of this weekend doing a little computer diabetes research so you may have a little information when you see you physician next week. Also, OH has a diabetes forum that I'll bet will be helpful; click on "Forums" at the top of the page, scroll down and click on "More Forums," then click on "Diabetes" under "Weight Loss Related Forums" (I think that's what it's called" about 1/2 down on the left (under the state forums). Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!
   — obeseforever

February 8, 2008
Hi Candy, Here is the thing, these are some significant symptoms. You absolutely need to either be open and honest with your current Dr. Tell him how you are feeling and that you need more information about this condition, or you need to see another Physician! I am not sure what insurance you have or how long you have been seeing this Physician? But if you arn't getting the care that you need from him, you may need to have a consultation with someone else. You may even be able to do this and keep the Dr. you have at the same time. If you have a glucometer, you should be checking your blood sugar levels. If not, talk to your Dr. about getting one! They also do sell them at any local pharmacy. I would definently do some research online and look up information on Diabetes.. Find information on symptoms of high and low blood sugar. Its so important that if you have diabetes to monitor everything. Also before having WLS its good to have your blood sugar levels under control. I hope every thing goes well for you and remember not to feel shy or afraid to stand up for yourself and get the information and care that you need...
   — Melissa F.

February 8, 2008
Candy dont be discouraged. I also have type II diabetes. Believe it or not the surgery will help your diabetes. Call your doctor asap and tell him that you want to see him to discuss your symptoms. It was my primary care physician who pushed me to have the surgery because of my diabetes.
   — ednamjr

February 8, 2008
   — sybiliowa

February 9, 2008
I was 54 yr old, on insulin, 160 units injected per day, plus pills, and 233# overweight. After surgery, dr took me off all meds, shots, etc. i havent had a shot since day before surgery. no complications at all. This weight loss surgery is the cure for diabetes 2 for me. Gastric bypass RYN done 4/06. Do whatever you have to for the surgery to be done.
   — shalmar

February 9, 2008
First off I am sorry your dr. is a A__ but he should have explain it to you, told you about med. and or shots, did he give you a prep. for anything. I always check mine 4 time aday because I am on shots, even after surgery did great but my body did a turn around so I am back on them but maybe just a short time. do before breakfast,lunch,dinner, and before bed. write them down, if you do not have a computer on there you can make one, or just write it down in notebook. take with you to appt. Did her set you up with a dietatist to help with your diet. I agree with the other lady about 80-180, what oj it make go up. if it over 300 go er, if it high walk that helps alot. if doctor does not help you goto a specialist in that fleid I did.
   — carman

February 11, 2008
I had some of those symptoms too, right before I got diagnosed with type II diabetes. Scary! My dr. gave me a free monitor and initial set of test strips and lancets (a gift from the drug reps, who want you to keep buying THEIR expensive test strips!). I should test my sugar 3-5 times a day, before and after my biggest meal of the day and then at some other times. Blood sugar should stay under 200 (175 or under is better) 1-2 hours after meals, and should drop to 80-120 when you haven't eaten for a while. (At least, those are the guidelines my dr. gave me.) I find that if my sugar gets above 175, I feel like my eyes are bugging out and I can't concentrate...I just feel 'foggy' I shoot for under that. I also have found that I can go to bed with my sugar 112, and wake up with it 159 (no eating in my sleep!). That's because your liver releases sugar to get you ready for waking in the morning. That has gotten better as I've gotten everything under better control. Dr. put me on a low-glycemic diet. Low in carbs, and what carbs I eat have to be the kind that don't get broken down so quickly. Potatos and sweets are mostly out. But some carbs are ok as long as I never eat JUST carbs. Protein has to make up the main part of my meals and snacks...but that is how it will be after surgery, too. For natural sweetness, berries are lower in carbs per serving than other fruits. ... I was freaked out, too, when I got my diagnosis last summer. But my dr. says WLS should clear up the diabetes because my sugar is well controlled with diet. Good luck!
   — abeeba

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