
at 11 days post-op is it possible to have already stretched your pouch? and by liquids only? please let me know if this is possible....    — kimcrain (posted on December 6, 2007)

December 6, 2007
I sincerely doubt it!! :O) Don't worry we all think we stretched our pouch right after surgery, if your like alot of us, your going to swear your pouch is bigger than a egg me it isn't.... as you heal you will realize just how tiny it is compared to the old tummy!! relax I am sure your just fine...fluids move through the pouch at a rate of 1-2 ounces per 2 minutes...
   — smf0926

December 6, 2007
No it is not possible at 11 days out to stretch your pouch with liquids. Rest assured!! Welcome to the other side!! When you are able to eat regular foodds, to check how big your pouch is just take the cottage cheese test and that will tell you how big your pouch is. Best wishes and Happy Holidays!! Mickey..........
   — MCraig3

December 6, 2007
Make sure you bring this up with your surgeon, especially if it continues to feel this way. My gastric bypass was "botched" by my surgeon. My pouch was not made small enough for me to have ever lost weight. My stomach was growling from day one--I never had any restriction.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 7, 2007
Probably NOT. At this point, if you were really pumping down a LOT of liquid, you probably would have popped your staples rather than stretching your pouch. That obviously has not happened; YOU WOULD DEFINITELY KNOW YOU HAD DONE THAT.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 18, 2007
Your pouch is not a balloon. A balloon only has one opening and when you fill it with water it stretches until it pops. If you put a hole in the balloon and fill it up with water, the water will come out the second hole and the balloon does not swell or pop. Your pouch is like the balloon with the hole... liquids will empty from your pouch and go into your small intestine. The "cottage cheese test" is not very effective. You pouch will stretch over time but this is necessary and normal. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

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