Which vitamins and minerals to take?

I'm 4 mo post-op (lost 64lbs), my doc has not done blood work yet, will at 6 mo he said. He has only told me to take 2 Flintstone vit's a day but in the last month, I'm really tired, having head aches, can't sleep....feel exhausted all the time. Any suggestions?    — Sheila H. (posted on July 24, 2007)

July 24, 2007
Sheila, increase your protein and take 2 tylenol gelcaps for your headaches. Also increase your water. I am a nurse so I know what I am talking about. I had the surgery and also was put on Flinstones chewables. Keep taking them. Your iron could be low causing some of this as well. Yes, every 6 months you should have a CBC done. (Complete Blood Count). Get on your doctors butt!! Best of Luck, Mickey...........
   — MCraig3

July 24, 2007
are you getting the b12 injection . calcium 2000mg 2x daily biotin, niacin, vitac ,b6 along with your protein shake. very important. i was feeling the same way until i increase the vitamin. centrum has chewable vita aswell
   — yvettetas

July 24, 2007
dont forget to take iron . good luck and have your dr. test your blood levels
   — yvettetas

July 24, 2007
flintstone vitamins? no offense to yours or anyone elses doctor but how old does he think you are 10? lol my doctor told me to take centrum chewables, a sublingual b12 vitamin and 60grams of protein far so good...i know alot of people hate these shakes but isopure no carb powder really aren't bad especically if you mix it with milk....2 1/2 scoops with 12 oz of milk and there's your protein for the day....i'm telling you it cures whatever ails
   — lizzie42

July 24, 2007
Every Doc is different, I take the following on a daily basis b-12 1000 mg, iron 2x a day so 64 mg, Calicum and Vit C 2x day's 1000mg, flax seed 3 x a day. Drink your water and get your protien in as well
   — Jenney

July 24, 2007
Your doctor should have done 3 month labs. Here is what I take: 2 chewable multivitamins from Vitamin World (pineapple flavor) or Tropical Oasis liquid multi, 2 T of that. I take 1000 mg. of calcium, B12 sublingual 2 x a week, coromega every other day and vitron-c iron every day. You are probably low on something. I would insist on labs being taken ASAP. I think Flintstones chewable is a poor vitamin now that you are 4 months out.
   — Sheri A.

July 24, 2007
It just amazes me at how many "docs" are actually stating they have all the answers and treat everyone the same. My surgeon has been doing labs every single time I've seen him! I saw him 2 weeks post op, 1 month post op, 2 months post op, 3 month's post op and now will start the every 3 monts-- 6 moths, 9 months, a year etc. That to me is an excellent surgeon as he stays on top of making sure I am doing great! You can also see your PCP and request ANY labs you think you might need as often as you think you need them! I am going to have my iron levels checked as I cannot take Iron pills (it runs in my family) and have to find an alternate way vitamin possibly some kind of shot etc. The new formula centrum gives you the total mgs. of iron you need (18 mgs). But I want to make sure my body is actually absorbing that amount. I take one of those each day, a chewable calcium 2 each day, and liquid b-12 each day, however I've noticed also that the new formula centrum also gives you the necessary b-12 each day. This is why I am going to have my vitamin and iron levels checked on my own. I want to make sure all my levels are as should be as I feel great. It definately sounds like yr not getting your iron, b-12, and water and protein in as should be. Increase them all, and remember you should be getting at LEAST 70 mgs of protein each day! I also drink about 32-64 oz of water each day as well. Good luck and keep up the great work!
   — crystalsno

July 24, 2007
congrats on your weight loss, without skipping a beat i take a centrum chewable multi vit, calcium citrate, B1,B12,iron,and my protein and i feel great, my bloodwork was done pre op, 3months, 6 months, and every 6 months thereafter, my doctor makes sure that my levels are checked every 6 months so he is able to tell if my body is absorbing the correct amount of nutrition that i need
   — Robert-P

July 24, 2007
Your Surgeon should tell you what Vitamins to take, Mine even prescribed a Pre-Natel Vitamin. As to Blood Labs, I had them done every month for the first year and now every three months for the second year and then every 6 month for the rest of my life.
   — Michael Eak

July 24, 2007
Sheila, Wow, how different are the surgeons that perform this process. Your protein and Vitamin D are probably low. He's waiting until 6 months to perform a CBC -- he's done my twice in 5 months. You might want to purchase some extra Vitamin D Gelcaps -- I have to take 800 IU a day and those come in 400. In June I switch to One-A-Day Womens Multivitamin and still do the Chewable Calcium wafers. If you are eating a lot of ice -- iron is probably low. A friend of mine (health nut) suggested taking the vitamins at night rather than the day time because your body is at rest and the vitamins can do what they are designed to do. The headaches could also be due to lack of water so keep that water up. You've and I have lost about the same amount of weight. I'm telling people I've lost a 1st grader --- CONGRATULATIONS
   — the7thdean

July 24, 2007
Well as you can see you are getting a variety of answers here. Do you have a Walgreens Drug Store near? They carry a chewable vitamin especially for bariatric patients. It tastes like a dreamcicle and is a little gritty but all the chewables are. Not horribly expensive either. If you do not have a store near you you can get them on line. The vitamins are their store brand.It has your iron and calcium incuded so you only have to take this vitamin but you do need to do 4 of them a day. I do two at a time as remembering 4 times a day is too much of a hassell. My Doc says this is fine. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

July 24, 2007
im on 2 flinstones daily.2 zinc daily, 3-4 calcium daily, 2 trinsicon 5 yrs out and to this day, all my levels are normal. hope this helps.
   — deb44m

July 25, 2007
Hi Sheila, thanks for writing. I think you also need calcium chews. That is basic for every wls patient, vitamins and calcium chews right out of the gate. I started with 2 calcium chews, but am now up to 3. Let me ask you, do you take both of your vitamins at the same time? If you do, you can be losing all the benefit of the 2nd vitamin. You already have some mal abosrption going on, and your body can only absorb so much at one time. I take my calcium chews at least 30 minutes apart, and I don't have a chewable anymore, but I take that separately as well since there is calcium in that too. I also take an iron supplement, just started it this year. You are only 4 months post op, so you can still be recovering from surgery some, it is also so stinkin hot right now, that saps our energy. Are you getting enough protein and hydration from water? My iron was boarderline when I saw my surgeon in March, but I decided to begin a supplement every other day anyway, and it did help me. You may want to consider the same, but be careful of the supplement you choose. I went to GNC and got one that should absorb better. We have to always think about that issue. A cheap old iron pill is not necessarily the best thing for us. Hope this helps. You say you can't sleep, is this from stress and other issues, or wls related for some reason? I don't know how old you are, but I am 47, and I have sleep issues because I am approaching the menopause era in my life. Is that a possibility for you? Tylenol and water for those headaches. And beef up that water. With the heat index the way it is right now all though the US, you need a ton of water just to keep up. To get to sleep, sometimes I take two tylenol, and read by Bible to relax. Bible reading and prayer are always a key to a good night sleep for me. Psalms 4 and Pslams 139 are some of my favorite passages. Give them a try. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

July 25, 2007
I'm 2 months out and I was originally taking chewable Flintsones, but they weren't doing anything for me. Try Centrum Chewables for adults.....EXCELLENT. I see a huge difference. I can stay up past midnight, when before I was tired and needed to be in bed by 8:30pm. Also increase your water intake, it's amazing if you're the least bit dehydrated how tired you feel. Best of luck to you....hang in there!
   — fiesta76

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