Thin Skin or What?

I am five months post RNY and have lost 85 lbs. I am having problems with my skin (mainly my arms and neck). It seems to have gotten thinner. I just scratch my self barely and there are big blood blisters. It takes them weeks to clear up. Could this be a vitamin deficiency? I am taking two multivitamins, 1000 mg calcium daily and B-12 weekly as recommended by my doctor.    — MarthaS (posted on July 10, 2007)

July 10, 2007
I am 4 1/2 years post DS. I had the same problem. It's because of the weight loss. You can consider it thin skin. I started taking Vitamin E. You have to be careful with it though because Vit. E will thin your blood. So when you scratch yourself you will bleed more. I take it every other week for 7 days. It has improved my skin condition. Otherwise I've learned to live with it and be careful. This is around three dogs.
   — doer

July 10, 2007
I get blood blisters too. I hardly pinch my finger in the door
   — barfiep01

July 10, 2007
I get blood blisters too. I have pinched my fingers twice by the door and these blood blisters appeared. One is finally going away.
   — barfiep01

July 10, 2007
it sounds as if you are missing quite a few vites and minerals. I understand you have some vit D in your calcium, but most of us need more, in addition, and of course, more than 2000mg of calcium. The vit D has to be D3 in dry form, and vit E also has to be dry (capsules with powder). How much protein are you taking in supplement and how much iron? Vit A also has to be dry, retinol, not beta carotene. Any vit C?
   — vitalady

July 10, 2007
Try lotions with collagen. Collagen is the fiber that holds skin together (used a lot for facial products). It helped my mom alot. Her skin use to tear in shreds at the slightest touch. It is much better when she uses the collagen lotion
   — Donna O.

July 11, 2007
This also happened to me, turned out it was from taking pepcid so I do not get an ulcer, any drug like this, pevicid, or whatever has the same effect, I stopped taking it and they went away, just a thought.
   — noboat4u

July 13, 2007
Please check with your doctor or surgeon about this. It could be related to a nutritional deficency. Otherwise, I'd try to keep skin well hydrated--by keeping yourself hydrated, as well as using lotion. Rather than taking Vit E orally, you may want to try it topically--get the gel caps and poke a small hole and squeeze the Vit E gel out then apply to areas you think need it. Hope this is helpful.
   — mrsidknee

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