
HELP! My surgery is for december 11th am happy but scared.. any words of engouragement helps! I am looking for a site with a video that shows the surgery, had it yesterday but cannot find it today. THANK YOU ALL!    — miss-350 (posted on December 7, 2006)

December 7, 2006
CONGRATULATIONS Jenny, on your upcoming surgery. Just a few more days and you will be well on your way! I had mine on Oct. 16th and everything is going great, as it will for you! You did not mention what kind of surgery you are having. I assume RNY? Everything will go fine, just go into it with a positive attitude and determination. Best of luck to you! We are all pulling for you! Jean
   — Jean N.

December 7, 2006
I'm soooo envious!!! Mine is at the insurance waiting for approval! I would like ot have it done before the end of the year, so I can start the new year with a new life. Good luck! You'll be fine!
   — crystalsno

December 7, 2006
congrats, you have waited a long time for this and now it's here so just hang in there and it'll be over before you know it. i'm waiting on insurance approval at this time, so i can't speak from experience, but i do know you've waited this long for a good reason so keep your chin up and think positive. good luck.
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 7, 2006
Seems to be alot of us feeling the same way you are...Mine is the same day and I am a fricking mess!
   — Diane C.

December 7, 2006
Seems to be alot of us feeling the same way you are...Mine is the same day and I am a fricking mess! Also I saw that video and I wish that I didn't. Rather just know the logistics other than seeing all the rest of it.
   — Diane C.

December 7, 2006
Jenny, I had mine done 41/2 years ago and it is the best thing that ever ever ever happened to me. I wish I could have had it done when I was younger, instead I was 55 and I was not long for this earth the way things were going. I was not afraid of the surgery. I was more afraid of dying. It does make one nervous but you will do fine. Ever want to talk just e-mail me, and I will be happy to do so. I am one of those that didn't get really skinny but I am happy and healthy. Stay strong, you are doing the right thing and you to will be healthy and happier than you thought you could be. I am pulling for you and I hope you will post and tell us how you are.
   — Sherrie S.

December 7, 2006
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery... I think that the majority of us were nervous before surgery... normal and shows that you realize that this is a major abd. surgery... having said that, though, you will do fine. It will be all over before you know it, and then you will be on the "loser's bench"... LOL.. take care, and stay calm... pamper yourself with a massage, etc....
   — Kari_K

December 7, 2006
Don't know where that video of the surgery is but I know you will do okay on you new birthday. Go to to get more information. They have a board that is very helpful.
   — ccstann

December 7, 2006
Congratulations! You won;'t believe how much better you feel in another month, and soon you will be bending over to tie your shoes without a problem, and fitting into theater seats with lots of room to spare!
   — Novashannon

December 8, 2006
Congratulations Jenny! I am pre-op and trying to lose my required 10%. Go to and on the left side click on "More specialties", click on Gastroenterology and you should be able to find a webcast of either a lap band or RNY, I don't know which one you are having. Good luck! You will do fine and will be so thankful once it is all over with.
   — shrkwmn

December 8, 2006
Everything will be fine, just follow the doctor's directions and you'll be just fine. I was waling the same day, and for me it was just the best choice of my life. I am 11 weeks post op and I already lost 43lbs. So, this is wonderful. Good luck and you'll see everything will be just fine.
   — yanynna

December 8, 2006
I totally understand, my surgery is the 12th and I am feeling the same way. I'm excited to start a new life but at the same time I'm scared to death. Just know that you're not alone my thoughts will be with you on Monday and good luck.
   — beckyveirs

December 10, 2006
I just had surgery Dec home on the 7th...not going to lie and say it's been peachy but if you go to my page there is a post there from today that may give you some sort of idea of what I've been going through...of course everyone is different...i wish you the best!!! maybe after your surgery we can help eachother through this first month...
   — msarcia2u

December 10, 2006
Good luck on your surgery and your new journey thru life! All my thoughts and prayers will be with you. You will be up and ready to start your new life soon, just be patient!
   — renee44127

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