Post-op Vegetarian Liquid diet?
What do they feed you in the hopsital post-op if you're a vegetarian? No chicken broth, no jello (geletin is animal derived)...what's left? What would one eat once home? — Jeannie W. (posted on September 15, 2006)
September 15, 2006
I would think that you could eat frozen ice pops, vegetable broth, and lots
of water. The biggest goal of the liquid portion, besides allowing your
stomach to heal, is to keep you hydrated. I also think you might be able to
have non chunky vegetable juices depending on the type of vegetable and the
ease of digestion.
— oceanrayne
September 15, 2006
make sure they know you are vegetarian! They gave me cream of wheat
and oatmeal for breakfast... as for home, I did lots of cream type soups...
mushroom, broccoli cheese, etc... ff cottage cheese, carb control yogurt...
etc... Good Luck!
— Karen The Papaya Queen
September 16, 2006
Soy yogurts and puddings, soy milk, vegetable broth, fresh vegetable
juices, low sugar fruit juices.
— belovedideas
September 16, 2006
So you are vegan then...I would look for soy protein to suppliment your
protein needs. There are also vegan gelatins out there, you just need to
look around online and you'll find them.
As for me, I had cream of wheat and oatmeal when I got home. I would cook
it in the low carb milk (now called Calorie Countdown) but it is again not
for vegans. You might try making your hot cereals with soy milk...or soy
protein drinks. That helps up the protein level quite a bit.
I also ate boca burgers and other boca products right out of surgery
because they were more tender than real meat and gave me good variety from
what I was eating. You might keep that in mind. Just push the vegan
proteins and suppliment with soy protein drinks. Good luck!
— Dinka Doo
September 17, 2006
You should discuss this with a dietician. I would think it will be
difficult to get all yiour protein if no animal products at all are eaten.
— Novashannon
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