Gained All Lost Weight Back?

Has anybody gone through WLS and successfully reached their goal weight then, in time, regained it all back?    — jazzinco (posted on May 25, 2006)

May 25, 2006
The day I had RNY (October 1981) I weighed 232. I got down to 158. I am now 295, but had been up to 319.
   — Jean Hitchcock

May 25, 2006
There are a few people on the Grad group that are getting revisions. These are usually people that have a non-restrictive bypass and then revise to RNY. Personally I never got down to what the doctors felt should be my goal weight. I went from 305 to 145 and am back up to 175 or so. I was NEVER told about hypertrophy, so I fear that intestine has grown back, as has the length of the villi IN the intestine - this is due to not taking all the proper vitamins and supplements and not getting in loads of protein - your intestine will adapt so it starts absorbing ALL your fat, calories and carbs again if you don't do this. A word to the wise - knowledge is power! -- Jennifer
   — j_coulter

May 26, 2006
I see Jennifer filled you in hypertrophy. Summarized, if you've ever planted a flower under a tree and it has to REEEEACH to find the sun, you'll find it has a loooong stem and small flower. The common channel has to try to become a duodenum and so it becomes longer, thicker, more "fingers" for grabbing nutrition. Some thoughts are that this is a good thing, less malabsorption. But to MY mind, if I wanted to be what is normal for MY body, I coulda skipped surgery and been intact, but miserable. So, I paid big bucks for malabsorption, darn it, and I want to keep it. OK, moving along, many had early surgeries that were done in a non-permanent way and they undid themselves, basically, no fault of doc or person. THEN there were surgeries done poorly. And only finally are there those very few who really DO out eat a working surgery, but that is very rare.
   — vitalady

July 6, 2006
Vicki... I am not sure if you will get this... I am so glad I stumbeled apon you... Please email me after you look at my page. I to regained back to 198...that was very scary... I fell away from the world and totaly lost control...I was very sick and needed to find my "WHY". Now from 327 to 125, I have been a true success. I keep my focus and help others too...You have my heart. I am not sure what your looking for.. I am all ears! Celeste
   — shakeyourweight

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