
Hi there , I am considering the lap band surgery - what will happen if I am severely anaemic (well I am) so I have to take 6 iron tablets per day and because of constipation I have to take laxatives - so what would happen with that if I have the lap band - thanks    — dorisdenton (posted on February 23, 2006)

February 23, 2006
nothing. The lapband is a non evasiive surgery. It doesnt affect your inter workings at all. If your anemic pre op - youll be anemic post; you shouldnt have any trouble taking your iron tablets.
   — star .

February 24, 2006
Nothing at all. Lapband will not effect it. However, being severly anemic may be an issure to your surgeon. Sometimes it's a issue to operate when your iron is so low. A tip I just learned from a friend here is that you can take something called VITRON C, which is iron mixed with vitamin C to enhance absorbption of the iron. It is supposed to have MUCH less instance of causing constipation too. Check it out- I find it in my local CVS drugstore. Additionally my PCP had recommended that I take vitamin C with my iron anyway for the same absorption reason. If you haven't tried it, I hope it helps!!

February 24, 2006
chloraypha (sp) you can get it in liquid and soft gel tabs. I had 2 units of bllod and refused to take anymore. I started this 100mg at least 2x a day to statt and have be doing great. if i stop for a month or two my blood work goes down and im anemic again. I feel tired and lethargic. this is at the health food store but i also saw it at CVS. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

February 24, 2006
That is just rediculous, I am anemic well was and had issue with the pills, 6 seems like alot. They should have you on iron shots that would get your levels up faster. Also you can try ultimnate iron by enzymatic therapy. It will help and you can ease constipation by using aloe vera capsules or juice. Try prunes too.
   — spykitty

February 24, 2006
You can switch irons until you find one that doesn't constipate and you can take stool softeners. You wouldn't want to become dependent on true laxatives, but colace are not stimulants. They just make what you have more, um, passable.
   — vitalady

February 24, 2006
You should be fine; I am also severlly anaemic and I am having gastric bypass done. With the lap band being less evasive you should be fine. Check with your PCP or surgeon they can tell you what you should do.
   — Juju B

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