Could an RNY cost 40K?

I was quoted 35 to 40K for having a Roux-N-Y procedure with a 4 day hospital stay. This includes ALL fees including hospital pretesting, surgery, and all follow-up visits. A national treatment center quoted the above. It seems very high to me. Would you nice folks provide some cost data as the quote is making me feel like I might be taken advantage of. Thanks in advance.... Bill    — WILLIAM G. (posted on August 27, 2000)

August 27, 2000
I know that after everything was paid for it broke down like this for me. Hospital $24995.00 4 day stay two in CCU, Doctor $8950, Assistant $1398, Lab $290, Pretesting $250, Xrays after release for Pneumonia $175, Radilogy readings $150. That's as close as I can remember my charges my surgery was 4/2000. I had good insurance and they paid every penny. I did not have a co-pay because I used my insurance plans doctor and hospital. Good Luck the archieves should have other post on this subject. I've seen it posted several times in different formats.
   — ann A.

August 27, 2000
My entire bill is for $17 thousand. I know someone that paid cash and got a few thousand off from the doc and anethesiologist. My doc's length of stay is 2 days for all normal RNY's. I am in MN.
   — ZZ S.

August 27, 2000
I stayed in the hospital five days, and my total for everything was about $43,000. Even though I was out-of-network for my PPO, my out-of-pocket expense was about $3,000. I have a breakdown of the charges on my web page.
   — Lynn K.

August 27, 2000
Mine was more like $23K in 1994. That's hosptial (2 nights in ICU), surgeon, asst surgeon, anesthesia and a great follow up program. Today's prices are similar and include 90 days normal after care, I think. And you know, some people are able to negotiate a better rate for cash.
   — vitalady

August 27, 2000
That quote sounds awfully high. I am also paying out of pocket for my open RNY. I will be paying $15,000 and that includes all pretesting,5 days in the hospital,after costs and (God forbid)any returns to the OR.I am going out of my state for surgery as the cost was $20,000-25,000.I havefound a super surgeon and I'm very pleased with everything so far!(I will have surgery in Oct.)
   — Louise G.

August 27, 2000
My open RNY was 5500.00 for surgeon and 15,000.00 for hospital in Cincinnati
   — snicklefritz

August 27, 2000
My open rny distal ran about: $12,000- hospital- for six days, no icu or complications $5500- Doctor- included gall bladder removal $1200- anesthesiologist $900- assisting surgeon Misc stuff & pre-op testing was around $2000 Grand total approx $22,000 Insurance paid 100% of hospital and approximately 70% of everything else.
   — Kathy W.

August 28, 2000
My surgeon charges 14,500 & he does split billing. Like If you need to have your gallbladder removed, the insurance will pay for that, then he add's the charges for the surgery to that. I'm not sure if I explained that good.
   — Amy B.

September 3, 2000
My surgeon is Dr. Ken Champion of Atlanta, GA.; internationally known. Lap RNY, private pay, all-inclusive charge = $18,500. Web site: Best of luck!
   — Diana T.

September 18, 2000
Dr. McConnell of Portland Oregon quoted me 18,350.00. That is surgery, anesthesia, and 5 days in the hospital, everything. The only additional charges are for some pretesting, and they gave me an estimate of $150.00 for bloodwork, Xrays and maybe an ultrasound. ***I think that as Bariatric surgery becomes more popular, more quack dr.s who charge exorbinant rates and have mysterious "program" fees will pop up. We will have to do our best to keep new WLS people informed. Read lots of profiles, and get as many opinions as you can***
   — Cara S.

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