Hi last week I was not able to get any fulids in and what I did got in it came back up. I call the doctor on Thursday they told me to come right in. They told me that I was dehydrated.They told me that they may have me do IVs at home. And to come back on Friday. Well when I got home Thursday, I was not able to keep anything down all night long. I didnt know what to think. So when I got to the doctor on Friday they did the flo test and the little i got down went trough. So they put me in the hosiptal, I had to get a pic line put on because there was no vein in sight for the IV. I have never been so sick in my life. I could not keep anything down til Monday afternoon. I came home on yesterday with the IV port in my arm. I have to have the IV for six more days. I have a home nurse to come out everyday to help with it. I feel so much better thank GOD. I am so huugery but not able to eat til after the IV. four weeks out down 35 lbs maybe more now. And I would still do it again. Has this every happen to anyone before. Info please. Thanks — JANIECEMOM (posted on June 10, 2010)
June 10, 2010
This did not happen to me, but I had one heck of a rough road with this
surgery. I forced myself to drink and have my protein. However, was
hopsitialized about 3 times for constipation, and throw Iing up. I also
have had 2 endoscopies and a bunch of other things. It does get better but
man what a trip.
I am so scared of gaining weight back now that I started to see a
pyschologist, I have been through a lot and I never want to gain again.
— FSUMom
June 10, 2010
I'm 4 weeks post op and having a hard time with dehydration too. Was in the
ER all day Wed to get an IV too. Feeling better but before that I was
having a hard time getting protein and water down. Didn't throw up but was
nauseous most of the time. And I've lost 35 lbs too. Hang in there. I feel
like I came home from the hospital very dehydrated and never got ahead of
the game until this week. Hopefully my IV visit will keep me ahead of
things. Best wishes for feeling better soon. Yes it sucks to feel this way.
— texastreat
June 10, 2010
Hi Julia, THis is apparently a very common problem my doctor tells me. I
personally had RNY in Feb 2010 and like you could not get in all the
liquids. I had to keep going to my local hospital to get I.V. but I was so
lo that I lost all my energy and started to vomit. I went back to the
surgen to have a scoping don of the pouch and they found it perfect but
that I was dehydrated. They kept me 10 days and got my fluid up. WHen I
started to eat I was hu ngery but I found that everything even water tasted
bitter. I would brush my teeth but still the same problem of the bitter
taste. My doctor said to drink and eat anyway and with in a week it got
better. Aparently this is a problem when dehydration sets in. SO don't
worry if it happens to you. I had a problem with smell when I was
dehydrated too. Seems that I could smell garlic allthe ti me. I love garlic
on the normal day so I could not understand why I got nausious every ti me
I smelled food.NOw I understand that dehydration causes taste and smell to
alter. I also was so tired. Keep hanging in there. Remember dehydration can
happen over night so be sure to drink a minimu m of 48 oz.
— OntarioSilk
June 11, 2010
Pam what was you able to eat, and when was u able to eat. I am so
hungry.Can not eat til Monday. I have the rest cravings. Chinese food for a
week or so now. And I will never be able to have that ever again.
June 11, 2010
Hi- About three weeks out I was dehydrated. It felt awful. I could not
stand the smell of garlic and I love it! I finally called my surgeon and
went to see him. He kept asking me why did I not call sooner. This is
serious but common problem. I had a two hour infusion and started drinking
a lot of Gaterade. After a week I felt better. I was full of fluid then! I
also had "gained." After another week my weight did go down and I
felt like a million. Do what your doctor says and hang in there; it does
get better!!
— Pilar12
June 13, 2010
Dehydration is the #1 cause to be back in the hospital, lucky I have not
had that problem getting my liquids in everyday, but i was in the hospital
almost a month after my surgery due to complications that left me on life
support for 6 days, the first 11 days I lost 22 lbs, I'm 6 mo. out from my
surgery which was 12/3/2009, and i had to go back in for surgery on
12/5/2009 that was for complications, Im at my goal wt now, except i want
to lose 10 more lbs. Im always asked would I do it again even after almost
dying, Im not sure. I knew it was a life change and I had done all my
research on this, but you can never be prepared if something goes bad.
When I look in the mirror and I see myself I smile, I wear a size 6 now and
Im 5' 9inch i probably would do it over again. Please try to get
all your fluids in me anytime.
— babynurse1
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