is there any information about false results on breathalyzers because of the band?

My daughters lawyer said that they get false readings because of acid reflux and he was wondering if there was any information that included the band.She only had part of a drink and shouldn't have registered as high as she did.The police officer was surprised how high it was too. So the lawyer was wondering if the alcohol remaining in the upper part of the stomach can make the machine read higher?    — imagoodthing (posted on June 2, 2010)

June 2, 2010
I don't know about breathalyzers but I do know that having a restricted stomach you will get drunk quicker and it won't take very much ONE drink. She should not be drink at all with stomach restrictive surgery. I have never heared of Gastric surgery as a defense for DUI. WOW
   — marymazilla

June 2, 2010
I have nothing to back up my opinion, but in my experience, yes, the alcohol seems to "concentrate" in the pouch giving higher than normal readings. And I've heard this from other WLS patients. In the future, and this goes for everyone, always refuse the test. Especially if you've had a drink. They will have to either let you go, or take you in for a blood test. If you know your drunk refuse the blood test as well. All that will happen is your license will be suspended.
   — Joseph Johnson

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