How long after RNY can you start back taking whole pills?

   — Pilar12 (posted on April 14, 2010)

April 14, 2010
When I was 3 weeks post-op, my surgeon allowed for me to start swallowing whole pills. The largest ones I swallow are my multi-vitamin and PETIT calcium pill. I have to take it slow and relax while swallowing them because I get so nervous about it :) that may be a "me" thing though! Good luck!
   — spitfire0379

April 14, 2010
Personally I was able to begin swallowing whole pills (the majority of them are capsules) within 1-week of surgery, but I will admit it was with a well-coated "wet" throat and plenty to drink, one at a time and taking it slow. It was NOT actually was the doctor ordered per se, but frankly the aftertaste of opening my capsules and sprinkling the contents onto something I was eating at that point (applesauce, yogurt, water ice) was sooooo unappealing and left such a bitter aftertaste that I decided to take my chances just so I could enjoy what little bit of solids I could eat at that point. I now can swallow 3-4 pills (a combo of capsules and pills) right out of the gate in the AM with nary a worry. I am now officially 15 weeks postop RNY (3.5 mos.) and not a glitch. Best of luck to you!
   — momeego

April 14, 2010
I was told we could NEVER take a pill larger than a pencil eraser (the part you can see above the metal ring). And also, that we should not take any pills that do not dissolve within 10 minutes in warm water. And finally, that we could not take anything that was "timed release". So far that hasn't been any problem with me, because I take the Bariatric Advantage chewable vitamins, Nature Valley chewable vitamin C, Soloray chewable B-Complex, and chewable Twinlabs Calcim Citrate. I haven't found the chewables to be all that bad, as a matter of fact, I enjoy taking the ones I personally take. Some of the samples that were passed out by my surgeon's office though were unpalletable (like the chalky calcium citrate wafers from one of the major bariatric supplement companies). All the rest of my vitamins are very small pills, except for the new laxatives I just got...but they're in quick-dissolve capsules, so I am not too concerned about them.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

April 14, 2010
I was taking small pills while I was in the hospital and did just fine. However, I had problems if teh pill was to big and had to cruch it to get it down. I thing this is something you may want to ask your Doctor.
   — lscheller

April 14, 2010
My surgeon had me wait two months. So I crushed, crushed, crushed.
   — FSUMom

April 14, 2010
In the hospital I was givena small vitamin the day after surgery. I questioned the nurse if it was okay for me to take a pill. She told me the surgeon wouldn't have told her to give it to me if it weren't okay. I held onto the pill until the PA came to see me and I asked him if I should be taking it. He said it was okay. I took it and was fine. As I look back the only time I ever had problems taking my vitamins was when the pill was large (so I would then break it in half) or if my throat was too dry.
   — Caribou ME

April 15, 2010
I took pills in the hospital. I broke large pills, like calcium and vitamins in half for about a month. My doctor said I could take any pill that didn't cause me discomfort. I am now a little over 3 months post-op and I can take any pill. I take large fish oil pills without problem. As always, let your doctor be your guide as to when to take pills.
   — MargaretHM

April 15, 2010
I think you'll find that surgeons differ on their opinions about pills. Our surgeon recently changed his position to "no pills, ever" after RNY. Apparently he had to fish one too many pills out that got stuck. I'm fortunate that I'm not prescribed anything right now... and all my vitamins are chewable (plus the sub-lingual B12). I did try to crush a cold med the other day, and I don't believe I've ever tasted anything fouler!! I have an appointment with my Diabetes doc soon... I'm nearly 9 weeks post-op and still having high readings, dammit... so expecting her to assign an oral med (the pre-meal injections we switched to are a real bummer, especially since the readings aren't WAY high, just slightly high... something oral meds could take care of easily.) Soooooo... this is a very pertinent question in my life... will I disobey my surgeon's order and take a small diabetes med whole? Will I insist on sticking with injectible insulin to avoid crushing a pill every day? What's a boy to do. Best of luck on your weight loss journey, welcome to the "loser's bench."
   — Greg K.

April 15, 2010
I was able to take whole pills at about 2 or 3 weeks post op. My dr prescribed a pill to prevent gallstones.
   — KiaSunRay

April 15, 2010
I was able to take whole pills at about 2 or 3 weeks post op. My dr prescribed a pill to prevent gallstones.
   — KiaSunRay

April 15, 2010
For me the pharamacist said nothing larger than an m&m. lol. I started back on my pills at 3 weeks post op and never have had issues, but that was on surgeons approval. I break anything that is larger than an m&m in half.
   — Miss Belody

April 15, 2010
When I work up post-op... they gave me protonix, percocet, synthroid, clarinex in pill form. Small sips one at a time... no problems at all
   — A. Me

April 15, 2010
I was able to find a group of supplements that are powder form and dissolve in water, that way they are 90% absorbed. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago. So far so good. They had everything even the B12 in powder. You can find it at
   — anordling

April 17, 2010
hubby is still crushing most of his just for convience but the rule is nothing larger than an m&m for the rest of your life is what we were told. It will depend on what you can personally tollerate, everyone changes and everyone is different.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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