retaining water

retaining water, legs, ankles and feet are swollen. my medical doctor checked my kidneys and they are working well, she also put me on a water pill but it not working..what is the problem?    — cynthia1_2001 (posted on January 16, 2010)

January 16, 2010
You may need compression stocking 20-30 mg, I've been wearing them for years and have been told even with the WLS to lose weight, I may be wearing them for the rest of my life. It's due to poor circulation. Elevate your feet as much as possible when not on them plus put a brick under each foot of your bed leg to elevate the bed two inches. This will help drain them during the night as you sleep.
   — Michael Eak

January 18, 2010
I am not a physician and far be it from me to question your doctor, but it sounds to me like you need more of the medication... and don't forget to take potassium with it or you will become potassium deficient. I too did not respond well to my initial water pill and it was not until they put me on a drip did it start to work. Since then it has been fine and I take a pill daily...if I start to retain, I keep my feet up above my heart as much as possible, then I up the dose for a couple of days. It sounds like you are saying that the swelling is in both feet so maybe the doc needs to just be more agressive about reducing the water retention. The only other thing I want to mention is if the swelling is just in one leg go to the ER right away you might have a blood clot developing.
   — Jacqueline F.

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