Hysterectomy and RNY (ladies)

I just got approved for my RNY and my question is I also had a partial hysterectomy 8 months ago and I was wondering, has anyone else had these surgury's close together and was the pain the same? and were there any strange complications because of the hysterectomy? Thanks    — neecelee (posted on October 2, 2009)

October 2, 2009
My hysterectomy was years ago, but no way was the WLS as painful as the hysterectomy. I was up and moving much sooner. Good Luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 3, 2009
I have to agree with above post. I had a complete back in '04, incision was North to South. However, with my RNY, I noticed in one of the lap incisions on "my" lower left side, when I would sneeze or cough, it burns like the dickens! My coworker who had her hysterectomy not so long ago, her incision East to West, said she knew exactly the pain, described it to the "T". She said it was because the cut was into the muscle. I couldn't remember these pains from my '04 surgery? I can't see how the two surgerys could relate to one another to cause any complications. I honestly feel that in no way did the RNY have any comparision to a hysterectomy, as far as pain goes. I DID have some gas pains that weren't so great, but nothing you can't get over, and I've heard here to try Gas X - which I did and it helped. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Lisa1212

October 3, 2009
Hi I had my hysterectomy 6 monthe prior to my RNY and I had no problem after the RNY I think the 2 surgerys are different I had an enfection with the Hysterectomy and had to reopen and then pack it spent 5 days in hospital. The pain for the RNY is different it is worse on the side L side and I stretched the stitches on the inside and it was the worse pain but walking and lots of hot showers I sat on a hold chair in the shower 3 or 4 times aday and getting a toilet raiser was a life savor if your seat is low. I never had stitches or drans on the out side, 5 little slits so that was a blessing, I wll tell you as with having children you forget the pain I am 1 year and 3 months out I have lost 185 pounds I recently had a breast reduction, and things are great not saying we do not need to live differently, lot of work because it is a tool and we need to learn to use it my hunger has changed I was so hungry prior to surgey was on a 1000 cal diet 3 weeks proir after surgery I was not as hungry and that feels great i remember my first meal blended fresh carrots, blended pork chop and mashpotatoes w gravy, all served w a little plastic spoon and i could not finish I was truly amazed. We need to break old habits still today I find myself taking a large helping or going to a buffet all u can eat then I laugh and think what was i thinking old habitsbest of luck any question text me tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

October 3, 2009
Thanks so much for your response's very helpful.
   — neecelee

October 5, 2009
I have hd both and the Rny was a much easier recovery. There is not real interaction between the two. was the hystectomy laprscopic (mine was) if so scarring should not be a problem.
   — trible

October 5, 2009
I had my gastric bypass almost 4 yrs ago and the pain from that was about as if I had done about 5,000 sit ups and I had a partial hysterectomy close to 2 yrs ago and they don't usually do those via the abdomen anymore. It can be done vaginally. (depending) So, there is no pain from the hysterectomy. Most doctors do the rny lap, and the hyster. other way. Sorry, I don't want to say to much for those that might be sensitive to much graphic details.
   — Kristy

October 17, 2009
I had my hystectomy laprscopic 2 months after my Rny I had no complications
   — Nancy-W

October 24, 2009
I had this exact same question. I had an open TAH on Jan 8 and am scheduled for a RNY on 11/23. I am glad that you asked it and got such good answers. Good luck with your RNY.
   — CKatGo

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