Hello Obesity Help Family

Is there anyone out there willing to share their experience and/or photos of a recent tummy tuck. Also I would like to hear from various people about recovery time. I'm 2 years out and curious about what to expect. I would like to have a tummy tuck (Michigan ins) in February. Thanks in advance.    — purnellj (posted on January 21, 2009)

January 21, 2009
hi jessica. i am 3 1/2yrs out - had tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift 2+ years ago. i am in texas. it was extensive. you can email me at: [email protected]. its not a fun surgery. recovery is hell. but well worth it. i had 14lbs of excess skin taken off at the first time. good luck! insurance didn't cover a dollar of it. really research your plastic surgeon - they are critical. make sure you have a good one.
   — akirsch

January 21, 2009
Where in MI do you live? I have a couple of friends who got a tummy tuck and breast augmentation in Grand Rapids. If you want more information, you can reach me at [email protected] Susan
   — susangielda06

January 21, 2009
I just had an extended tummy tuck on Dec 17. Like I tell people ..I am not at the point where I can recommend the procedure yet but I know I'll be there eventually ;) It's been a rough road. I am 5 weeks PO today actually and have only been standing up straight for a couple of weeks. I am still very sore and raw. I am in Swell Hell as we like to call it ..meaning I know my results are going to be great but I can't see them right now because I am so darn swollen. I guess this swelling thing can go on for a long time a year or so. It's frusrating but I have to say my look has greatly improved and my stomach looks nothing like it did Pre-Op. My surgeon, who specializes in bariatric patients, told me he averages about 5-6 pounds of skin in a typical tummy tuck but he took 11 off me! I do have some current pics, send me your email address and I'd be happy to share them with you ([email protected]). Good luck to you all the reading you can so you know what to expect. has a great forum!
   — HoosierDoula

January 21, 2009
HI, I asked this same question in Sept, and only got 2 answers. I got my TT Sept 23. I am so happy now. the first 5 weeks were difficult. I have not experienced serious swelling, but it does still swell by evening depending on how active I was that day. By morning it is tight as a drum again. it is very painful only if you do not stay down, you must follow all instructions. you have to take off at least 3 weeks from all activity, especially work. Even tho I sit at a desk all day, sitting is not resting! Flat on your back with legs propped is resting. I thought I was super woman and would not have to do all that. TRUST ME you do! My advice to you is to research the procedure, and the surgeon. I am blessed to have found mine. Dr. Troy Thompson in Round Rock Texas. he is by far the best around here, and I looked at them all. The results are worth it no matter what. My Doc was so pleased that he asked me to mentor to other women who are considering the procedure but are aprehensive. I love that, and I love my new hour glass figure. Good luck! There is little pain if the rules are followed. I wish I had pictures to share! Deb
   — dessary316

January 23, 2009
I had a tummy tuck and new boobies in August of 2007. Best thing I ever did other than the Gastric Bypass of course. I took 3 weeks off of work. The first week I was pretty much drugged up. The second week I was feeling better and the third week I was as back to normal as you can be wearing a binder and not being able to stand up straight. I will honestly say it takes about 1 1/2 years to heal. I don't have any weird twinges or pains anymore. It is worth every minute of discomfort. I would say the boobies were way more painful.
   — Carlyn M.

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