I am post opt almost 7 years. Trying to restart weight loss.

I have had a child since having gastric bypass and since birth have not been able to shed 10 pounds. Any one out there with the same problem or know how to get things pumping again. I find that being this many years out pre surgery hunger does come back. And you eventually have to start dieting again.    — lionettes (posted on January 6, 2009)

January 6, 2009
Hi there, first i want to say 10 pnds is NOT bad at all trust me when I say this especially since you also had a baby but I understand your need to get back to your goal as i was the same way. I had two babys nearly back to back and lost the weight with both of them but it took a good year to do that, i didnt do anything special but just tried using my "tools" and going back to the im struggling with some extra weight apx 30 pnds that gained over the last year from being on steriods and also from not making better choices or far i have lost 8 just doing my own thing but i am going to also do the pouch program that every has been raving about on here it seems to help get us back on track and you may even lose a few pnds as well...I hate to say this because it nearly sounds like a broken record at times but eat healthy, excercise and make sure you get your sleep, vitamines and water...i hate water but i been drinking it and only drinking water i cut out even my diet soda all snacks and sweets i am only having fruits when im hungry or as a snack and my meals are very low in cal, fat, carbs u know the can do this trust me but keep in mind you had a baby so its going to take time ... good luck
   — Deanna Wise

January 7, 2009
I am with you. I am 5 1/2 years post op and have packed on some weight too. I have started going back to the basics. I have a protien shake for breakfast, soup for lunch, chicken and veggie for dinner, for snacks I have been eating sugar free jello, yogurt or sugar free pudding. That seems to help my sweet tooth. I noticed in the first three days a weight loss. I have been drinking all my water and writing everything down. Plan your meals for the next two weeks and shop for them. It will make a huge difference. I work 10 hour days so to get in excercise, I have been doing 20 min on my Wii Fit then taking a break at work and walking a mile. Just do what you can, it will make a difference. 15 minutes of excercise is better than none at all. Happy losing to you!!!
   — Carlyn M.

January 7, 2009 far the suggestions you got are what I was going to say myself! I gained 10 pounds last winter from eating sugar, junk, grazing...just eating with wreckless abandonment of everything I learned over the last years post op! It took me 4 months to lose it all! LOL But I did it gosh darn it! (you have an excuse!) You were eating for two! Try the 5DPT ( And begin a food journal...Start weighing and measuring out suggested portion sizes...They are great sizes for us PO grads...4 ounces of protein per meal (I can eat 4-6 ounces meat but I often start with 4 ounce and add a little if I still feel hungry) and 1/4 C complex carbs...and 5 servings veggies and fruits daily..One thing that truly helped me is to eat til I am not hungry rather than eating til I was full...Doing the 4\5DPT, really helps you feel your pouch restriciton again! It's awesome!. Make sure you take your vits too and go get vitamin and blood labs to make sure you are doing good on your levels if you have not been in a while! Good luck! PS: You are a gorgeous beautiful lady...
   — .Anita R.

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