Can anesthesia cause acne?

I had surgery on 10/13 and the day after surgery I noticed my neck breaking out. Since then it has only gotten worse - I have acne on my face, the back of my neck and my shoulders. I never got acne until after the surgery. Did anyone else have this problem? I don't know what to do about it!    — Melissa D. (posted on November 7, 2008)

November 7, 2008
Yes, I believe it can. My friend gets acne after surgery -- strange way for the anesthesia to deposit the body. But ask the surgeon or better yet the Dr. that applied the anesthesia.
   — the7thdean

November 7, 2008
I didn't get it as severly as what you describe, but did get some little bumps on the back of my neck. I remember thinking what's up with that. I never get stuff like that. They did all go away. I also had a lot of itching about a month after surgery, and friends tell me that is the anisthetic working it's way out. Hope this helps a little. I would talk to my doctor though if I were you.
   — katiecakes

November 7, 2008
I had alittle ance issue after surgery. Its gone now. I dont think its anesthia, I think its all the crap we have stored up in our fat cells.
   — urbrat2

November 7, 2008
I have never heard of this, but it doesn't sound strange now that I think of how much our hormones fluctuate right after surgery. I guess anything is possible. I would check with your doc just to be sure you aren't having any type of allergic reaction. Best of luck and welcome to the loser's bench. Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 7, 2008
I would suggest talking to your PCP or surgeon to make sure this is acne and not something else--rosacea, folliculitis, a drug reaction, etc. Once you know what it is, then you can work on treating it. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

November 7, 2008
I had A LOT of acne after surgery which I think also is the change to your body and stuff. It went away after about 3 mts for me.
   — shackett0426

November 8, 2008
Possibly- but more likely is the fact that hormones are stored in fat and as your body is now processing all that fat out of you the hormones are fluctuating wildly. If you're female (I didn't look t your profile) your cycles might get really irregular for a little while too.
   — Ravenwulf

November 10, 2008
Yes, perfectly normal. The fact that our hormones are all out of whack, they don't know what to do, and we end up with a form of acne. It will go away...Your body is just cleansing itself out.
   — gonnaB1hotmama

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