Just got my 4rth fill - 4 months post op..have a question about first couple of days

my doctor(i know they all do it differently) has you, after a fill, do all the weeks over for 3 days each. I CANNOT STAND THE SMELL OF CHICKEN BROTH, i want to be sick everytime i think about i keep sugar free pops around but i am also working and need energy. is it ok to have a really watered down Cream soup, ex: cream of broccoli?? at least once a day?    — jordanty (posted on October 21, 2008)

October 21, 2008
I've only had 1 fill and I go for my 2nd fill on 11/4, but after my first fill I was told I could only drink liquids that day and the second day I had to do a soft diet but the 3rd day I was back to a regular diet.
   — toangela

October 21, 2008
Every doctor is different in their requirements, my 4th fill was last Tuesday. Doc suggested liquid for the remainder of the day then back to my usual diet the next. The restriction this fill feels right. I'm eating less and enjoying it more, how funny is that. Tonight I'm going to try having some steak! Best of luck in your loosing battle.
   — mannecote

October 21, 2008
My surgeon has us to clear liquids for 2 days, then full liquids for 1 day, mushy then regular foods. I do get tired and weak when doing this as I get horrible diarrhea whenever my body hears the mention of doing liquids. Not fun. I know I'm not supposed to and I'm not suggesting you do this, but, I do take in a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter for a little energy and protein. I have recently found Isopure liquid drinks with 40 gms of protein per glass bottle and Oh Yeah! chocolate protein drink with 32 gms protein which is what I have been drinking after fills to keep me going and give me energy. I'm not a soup person so I don't know about that. I did enjoy the chicken broth though after surgery as it was warm and made me feel like I was getting a few calories. Some of the people in my support group will warm up a can of soup and strain it and drink the liquid of whatever kind it was as they can't stand plain broth either. Best of luck, Dawn
   — DawnVic

October 21, 2008
My doctor tells me that liquids for the rest of the day and the next eat as usual. I have had no problems. Like you said every doctor is different...
   — dyates2948

October 21, 2008
My Dr. has me drink about 3 oz. of water in his office right after my fill and tells me if I get nauseated at all to come back, otherwise no restrictions. There are many food products you could try. Some of my suggestions are baby food, fat free pudding, one of my favorites that gives me energy and loaded w/protein is the Whey Protein in Vanilla flavor at Walmart, (it does come in chocolate, but I haven't tried that flavor), jello's, cream soups, mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit juices, oatmeal. Hang in there, it will get easier.
   — premenewme

October 22, 2008
If energy is a problem you need to be on a good "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement like VEMMA. Also has 1000 IU of vitamin D3. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 22, 2008
Hey there! I just had my second fill which were only 2 weeks apart. I suffered with the chix broth thing too in the post op diet. Instead of chix broth, you can eat regular chix noodle or vegetable soup and just drain the noodles. I know its a waste, but it tastes and smells much better than the chix broth. Also, the other soup I used when I couldnt take the broth any longer, was campbells cheddar cheese can make it a bit runnier, it taste great and doesnt have the chunks that broccoli and cheese has. Its also great at the mushy stage over refried beans with some fat free sour cream and salsa! Just a thought! You can stick to this. Its tough but you can do it!
   — trbccowan

October 23, 2008
Oh boy! I understand your repulsion for chicken broth.... I'm alsmost 10 days post op and I couldn't stand this smell anymore...but guess what? Yesterday, I went to Costco, and found a brand of chicken broth I didn't know, so I bought it (as I still have to finish my 2 weeks clear liquid phase...) and I LOVED IT! It doesn't smell like all the others i had tried, it tastes like home made broth with chicken and veggies. Sooo good! Even my kids had some for diner (I cooked some alphabet in it for them). It's called organic free range chicken broth, the brand is Pacific Natural Foods. I came in a box of 6 x32 oz cartons for about $9.00 Maybe you can find it in other stores too, but really, it is worth a try. Personally, without it I would have had a hard time not going to creamier soups, and I know I would have felt guilty not to stick to my doc instructions!
   — ghis31

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