Geared towards the younger crowd...How'd your skin do after WLS?

I am 18 years old, and so grateful for having WLS. One of the things I'm interested in knowing is if it is less common for younger patients to have a problem w/ excessively sagging skin? I really don't consider it to be a horrible thing [i mean we're losing the weight which is most important] but I've been very interested in this topic even before i had my WLS. Thanksssss bunches : )    — nubiangodess624 (posted on August 22, 2008)

August 22, 2008
I've seen both young and old have a better out-come with the skin. Alot has to do with the individual, and how much weight is lost. I am 49, and over-all I feel like I have done pretty good there. I am 80 less than my top weight. I am 8 months out and I see a little improvement. It takes a while for the skin to shrink back down (if it's going to) mine has tightened up a little I think. But I also have at least 20-30 more to lose to get to goal. Yes, losing is the most important thing. Feeling healthy. There are alot of clothes you can wear to hide the flaws. We've all learned how to do that, while we were overweight. Good luck and Congrats on having your surgery. ;) at 18 you should do fine! And you know your going to look better no matter what!
   — lesleigh07

August 22, 2008
Hi Olisa...congrats on the decision to have your surgery. You are young and that is in your favor skin wise. I suppose it depends on how long you were over weight but hopefully your skin in not as damaged by stretch marks say mine is at age 62. You are young and you still have lots of young hormones and so I think that will help your skin to look good even as you continue to loose. Good luck to you!
   — Gena L.

August 22, 2008
You are such a cutie! You look like a fun and happy person! Loved looking at your photos! You have youth on your side...and up until a year or so ago you were still growing, so your skin will still have some "memory"...The more damaged your skin, the more unlikely that will ever be firm by itself. (LOSTS of people have plastics) Some of my own skin tightening is dumb luck and some is a lot of working out and muscle toning. It took two years of swimming workouts (Bad knees and crush discs in my neck) So water is the most gentle on my joints, but crazy insane on muscle toning! I was 38 when I had surgery and I am 44 now with a son 4 years older than you! And a daughter your age. So it's possible for many. So many people have skin problems though...and it's good that at least you have a great attitude about being healthy more than anything. You have plenty of time to be young and beautiful...and plastics might be something you could save up for if things don't work out naturally. There's always that option...So don't worry to much and hopefully you'll have a ton of dumb luck too! Good luck and blessings with your journey...
   — .Anita R.

August 22, 2008
You're right that age does help - as one of the other folks said here, the skin simply has spent less time stretched and damaged. It also helps to exercise - e.g. swimming. That should help with excess skin around the arms for example. Finally I understand (although I don't have the research in front of me!) that men tend to have slightly more resilience than women in terms of skin recovery. I know you can't do anything about that one LOL. Hope your journey is fun and safe; I'm 49 years into mine and having RNY surgery this fall. I'm determined that my 50s will be "the decade of ME" (I sound like the era of George Bush Sr.), starting a new life when I turn 50 in February. I'm thrilled to see that there are people as young as you smart enough to figure things out so young. I will definitely need some plastics at some point cause I'm past the point where skin will bounce back like I hope yours does! Cheers, stay healthy. /Mike
   — mountainmike

August 23, 2008
At your age, you will have no problem with loose skin most likely. It is the older patients that have had their bodies streched out of shape for many years that are experencing the problems, and that would be people 35 and older, more than twice your age.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 23, 2008
Oh boy! Do I have a solution for you. contact me. [email protected] or 310-367-8404
   — bariatricdivalatina

August 23, 2008
Everyone is different, but my experience has been - I had a better time w/loose skin being younger & having not had any kids. I was 35 when I had surgery. Highest weight 286 (5'8"), now I am 143 and have some loose skin around my belly (just above pubic area), breasts (of course, everyone does) and a wrinkly butt. If you see me naked, it's a bit of a strange phenomena but fully clothed, no one can tell that I have anything to hide. I really don't feel like I have to hide anything either. I wear a two piece (boy shorts & halter) swimming suit to the pool and don't care that I have jiggly legs, etc. I've even been hit on at the pool. Of course, I am happily engaged. Good luck. Hope you got some good hints and/or info.
   — jammerz

August 23, 2008
The younger you are, the more elastic your skin is. I strongly encourage you to embrace exercise to tighten as much as possible, drink lots of water, take your vitamins and stay out of the sun. Age is in your favor for doing well. Congratulations on your decision for WLS and kick some butt. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 24, 2008
Hi, I am twenty-seven which I consider to be young. I have lost 221 pounds thus far and have 60 to go before I am where I want to be. The skin is an issue. I have skin on the arms which really does not bother me, and if I keep my arms down, I work under the idea, that I deserve to be able to wear sleveless shirts if I want. The stomach is my main area of concern. It does hang down, I anticipated that. I am hoping that the rest of the weight I have to lose will come from there but who know. It is annoying, and it does get me down sometimes, but for the most part, I am just greatful to have this problem instead of the weight problem. good luch to you.
   — jmas24

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