overall concerned about my pouch being stretched out, and non-supportive people

I'm six months post-op and I think I've streched the pouch out a llittle! I still have restrictions but I can eat a medium chicken breast with some veggies and I notice my food comsumption is picking up a little more this summer........ Plus I can "chug", a bottle of water, not when I eat but in general! My other concern is my cousin and her man is driving me crazee, he was approved for surgery last year through Medicaid and he did not foolow through with his surgery so they dropped his paperwork, but since "they" found out I had my surgery in Jan 08 of this year now the both wanna hate all the time and it is geeting on my nerves.... Like keep asking me how much weight I'm losing and what I do for exercise etc....I feel like me and her were never close so why all the concerning questions? Plus she always bragg about what she gone do for him and stuff, like I really care I need to hear from my OH famliy and not negative people about these issues......    — sassykiki (posted on July 25, 2008)

July 25, 2008
Lakisha, I am 3 months post-op and I too can eat more now than in the beginning. However, I think that's fairly normal so I don't worry too much about it. The swelling has finally gone, which allows more room for food. So that's what I keep telling myself. :) As for non-supportive people...I know how you feel. My older sister & I are VERY close but since I had this surgery & have lost 50 lbs. she seems different. We use to talk everyday and now we may talk every other week or so. Of course I'm excited about my weight loss & like to talk about it but she never seems to want to hear about it like I thought she would. Instead she just always tells me the reasons why she would NEVER have the surgery herself. I don't know if she thinks I took the easy way out or if she's jealous or what. WLS is certainly NOT the easy way out. And I didn't just do it for looks either. I was beginning to have a lot of medical issues and I'm only 37 yrs. old. I felt that I had tried all other alternatives and this was my last resort. My sister knows I have tried everything because she has always been right there beside me trying it too. But now that I found a way she doesn't seem interested in talking to me at all anymore. Maybe she just feels uncomfortable because she is still VERY overweight. But I was so hoping to have her support even if she didn't want the surgery for herself. She tries to act like she's happy for me but I can tell something is different. :(
   — AprilJM

July 25, 2008
Lakisha, please do not stress over your cousin. It could very well be a case of jealousy! You're doing what her man could not, which I have found can cause jealous feelings even in someone as close as a spouse! You keep on doing what you're doing and remember why you're doing it. Better health and a better life ahead. God Bless You!
   — dnoreenh

July 25, 2008
there is a group that i am one of the owners of on yahoo its called Gastric Bypass Surgery Support Improved. please feel free to look us up on Yahoo groups and join us there. everyone there has been through exactly what you are experiencing right now. Anyone who has had surgery, is going to have surgery or is still deciding whether ornot to have it is welcome to join. [email protected]
   — jan0859

July 25, 2008
Your pouch will naturally stretch out over time. But still be aware of how much food you are consuming because the density of certain foods may seem like you are able to eat more or less than others. (scambled eggs fill me up faster than malt o meal). Try the cottage cheese test. Fill one cup in a measuring cup of cottage cheese and eat it until you are full not stuffed or sick, then that will tell you how many ounces you are able to eat. Over time you will be able to eat one cup of food. But don't rush it, your stomach isn't healed all the way yet. Just be sure to chew your food well. Be careful about chugging water, that may stretch out your pouch sooner than you would like. Let it happen naturally. As for your cousin, it's jealously. In order to avoid the stress avoid the cause. If possible. Or maybe your cousin is interested in the surgery again and really wants to know how it really works. You can look at it two ways. Remember, keep the focus on you, this is your surgery and your new life. Best wishes.
   — Kristy

July 25, 2008
Lakisha, BRAG! Talk yourself up! You should be proud of your weight loss and all that you have accomplished - don't let them diminish that for you! And if your family cannot be supportive, then cut 'em loose. Yes, family is family - but if they are bringing you down and making you feel bad, then they need to have a much smaller role in your life. I know it probably wouldn't be easy but maybe you should tell your cousin how you're feeling about her behavior.
   — lauren_marie

July 25, 2008
Just because you can eat more, it does not mean you should. It is still early out. This is the critical time (I was told) that we would need to work hard to lose. You need to take yourself back to the beginning, start eating smaller portions, but make sure you have it often, 5 times a day + water in between. And start drinking slower. The surgery gave you a tool. Try tomaintain it and not damge it. Measure your food and put on a plate only as much as you should eat. And do not listen to people who are non-suportive. Good luck.
   — H.A.L.A B.

July 25, 2008
The pouch is supposed to stretch somewhat but like you said-there are limitations. It will stretch enough to hold a max. of about 1 cup 6-12 mos. post-op. Remember not to graze all day long and you should be fine. The cousin-both jealousy & curiosity, probably. Remember that you can not control others--but you can control your reactions to them. You KNOW they are wishing they had the surgery; can't blame them for wanting that. They'd love to see you fail-not b/c it's you but b/c they want a rational for not having it done themselves. Be polite, keep your answers short & encourage them to pick up the process and have the surgery. Be sympathetic towards them. The curiosity is so normal--people can not believe it works as well and as fast as it does; all our dieting has failed us before--they assume this one will, too. Keep your eyes focused on your success and be proud of yourself.
   — movinmom03

July 25, 2008
Hi Lakeisha, It is normal for your pouch to stretch a bit, but as long as you are eating what you are suppose to and exercising you will be fine. As far as the haters, they are going to be there regardless if it' not family it will be friends or coworkers. Fortunately my sisters are very supportive but I have a few friends I had to let go, we have enough going on in our lives that we dont need any extra drama. I remember going through my psych eval and she actualy asked me was I prepared to lose some friends because for one reason or another they are going to have issues with yur weightloss and your new attitiude. So I was somewhat prepared. So keep doing you baby girl and shine. Work your tool. Stay blessed Mz. Willie,The Original Butterfly Diva
   — Mz.Willie26

July 25, 2008
What you need to remember is that you learned while your had a lot of healing going on how to eat healthy and stick to that. You can eat more because you are not raw inside any longer from the insisions and stitches. I can eat more, but i don't. I still eat 3 oz of meat and 2 oz of vegatables at a meal. I drink my water each day, and I try not to just kick back the bottle of water and take it down, like I use to, but I do take biger drinks than I did after surgery wehn I had to sip everything. I focus on the gooed from my freinds and supporters and help other gong down the path, but if someone is not trying, I tell them I can not spend time reading their emails as I am focused on the end game and helping thouse who need to hear from others that have gone before them and are ready to take the plunge, so please write me when you are ready. They just go away as they get the message.
   — William (Bill) wmil

July 26, 2008
HI, I think your cousin and her man are jeolous of you and your success and are trying to sabotage you. The family making faces is not being supportive of you. I used to worry about people like that when I was younger because it hurt me that people would go out of their way to make you feel bad. Those types of people will always be there for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid to let them know that they are not being supportive. Also, I would tell them something like, that in order for you to be successful your doctor has told you not to talk about your weightloss progress and exercise with others. That is just my opinion. You have no obligation to prove anything to anyone especially if it makes you feel crummy. Good luck and do what is right for you.
   — azoreangal

July 26, 2008
LaKisha, don't worry so much. As time goes on the pouch does stretch a little more and you will find that you are able to eat more. It's been a little over 3 months for me and when I discovered that I could eat a bit more, I was very concerned and worried at first. Then I learned that this was normal and I was okay. There are still times when I cant eat as much as others, but still I don't worry. Regarding your cousin - don't let anybody rent space in your head! It's obvious she is jealous. You are probably looking so good, and don't think her man hasn't commented on that very thing to her. So of course she is probably jealous. You don't need any negative people in your life. I just recently had to let go of some very close relatives because they have not been there for me. It hurts, but time will heal all wounds of that nature. Keep up the good work. Andrea
   — athomas8413

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