Eight days post of from lap band, and haven't lost a pound. very gassy!

I still weigh the same thing I did the day I had my procedure. This is so discouraging! Also, I have started diarrhea, and am so gassy, it is unbelievable. You can hear my stomach and abdomen roaring across the room! Also, is it normal to start getting hungry this soon? I do see my surgeon tomorrown, but wondered if anyone else had had these problems. Gail    — tiddly_grace1 (posted on June 10, 2008)

June 10, 2008
Gail You need to calm down and take a deep are healing from surgery and that takes a boit of time......this is nor RNY where the weight comes off fast...all those sounds you hear are normal but they do noy mean you are hungry they are natural healing signs...yes...yes ....yes ....the gas is a bit hard on some people....ask your Dr lots of questions and follow his instructions to the tee and you will start not eat more than you are suppose to ...if you feel hungry in between meals....drink to fill yourself up untill the next will do just fine...and don't get descouraged this early in the's not's just a tool and 50% of your weight loss is up to you and the choices you make. Good luck.Pam / Ft Worth ...Bandster Bites [email protected]

June 10, 2008
Gail, I weighed 4 lbs. more the day after surgery. I wanted to cry, but I figured it was gas and fluids, or whatever else they put in you during surgery. But, two weeks later, I was 12 lbs. lighter. Give it time, I'm 3 1/2 months post-op and still get discouraged at times. Good luck to you!
   — Dro

June 10, 2008
Gail, I experienced the same thing after my lapband procedure and cried like a baby. I figured with all of my "suffering" through surgery and the starvation liquid diet and diarrhea that I must be down at least 20# by my first visit. When that didn't happen, my doctor (in between my sobbing) told me that I had just survived having major surgery and my body had been traumatized. It was holding on to it's fluids and calories in an attempt to heal itself which is exactly what it is supposed to do. Made me feel a little better. Trust me, once you start eating and exercising, the weight will begin slowly and steadily coming off. The diarrhea.... oh boy, can I relate? I'm almost two years out and still have diarrhea. My doctor tells me to consider myself lucky as most WLS patients have trouble with constipation. Gassy diarrhea is a daily thing for me... mostly in the morning after I drink my coffee and water... I know I need to be close to the restroom and a word of advice... if you even wonder if it's gas or the other... go to the restroom asap as it is probably the latter. I use Maalox multi symptom or GasX for just gassiness, I use Immodium AD for just diarrhea. The early post op gassiness you are experiencing now is normal and will get better. Walk, stretch and move around to get it moving... GasX will help too. Keep in mind I'm not a doctor, I'm giving advice from my heart and experience as a nurse and a patient myself. Always follow your doctor's advice. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

June 11, 2008
Gail, Don't worry...everything will be alright. I didn't get weighed until I was at least two weeks out, so try to stay away from those scales. While you were in the hospital they pumped you so full of fluids that your going to gain initially. You'll know when the fluids are ready to go. I had almost a full day of going to the bathroom and I was like wow! I've got to go alot. As far as gas....that will pass also. I have to tell you that I'm 3 months out and I still have some gas issues. Mine are directly related to dairy products and everyone is different. You'll have some gas for a while yet, but hopefully not as long as I have. It's a wonderful trip you've decided to take, don't worry about the little side affects and look to the wonderful future your going to have. Good luck to you.
   — deebunny38

June 11, 2008
Hi Gail. I didn't have lap band, but I think this applies to all of us to a certain extent. I weighed 5 lb more when I came home after surgery then the day I went in. A little discouraging to say the least. But I was so bloated from the medications and IV's, not to mention the gas pumped into me. All of a sudden it just started falling off me. Don't worry it will come off.
   — corky1057

June 11, 2008
You are about as normal as normal gets. (((hugs)))) You are doing fine, this too shall pass. I didn't lose any lbs either for a cpl of wks after sugery, then bam the next two -three wks i lost 22 lbs. And the talking stomach is normal too. Your intestines are cleaning themself out and getting rid of all the gas they pump in you. Mine still gurgles at times. And yes, hunger is normal. follow your dr's advice to the T tho, and be easy on your tummy. Drink lots of fluids. It will be over before you know it. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
   — Kristi H.

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