How big is everyone's pouch size? My Dr said it would be 40 cc, I think, the size of

an egg. Also my surgery is scheduled for May 5. I have a function to go to the end of July. Will this be too soon to have a beer?    — bikermama (posted on April 11, 2008)

April 11, 2008
Just sip it slowly to see if it agrees with u. Remember, everything in moderation.
   — cjjordan

April 11, 2008
Just sip it slowly to see if it agrees with u. Remember, everything in moderation.
   — cjjordan

April 11, 2008
I wouldnt drink anything carbonated that soon. I didnt drink for 2 yrs after my surgery. I know the pouch stretches. i eat a bagel with cream cheese and a medium tea for breakfast every morning. I can eat a 3 egg omolet. but I cant eat anything else.
   — Joanc

April 11, 2008
Did your Dr. not tell you that you could never drink alcohol again after your RNY surgery? You have to be ready to give up all the things that you are expected to give up and alcohol of any kind is one of them.
   — rosheet

April 11, 2008
my doctor says no carbonated drinks for at least 3 years out and then moderation only
   — Harley2006Angel

April 11, 2008
That is what my surgeon told me also, about the size of an egg. But...remember it takes a good while to heal. It will make more sense once you have the surgery and you see how things heal. I am day 8 post-op and a beer is the last thing I would want. The main reason for saying no beer is the carbonation issue as I am sure you have learned, or will learn in pre-op classes. The carbonation causes gas and stretching of the new little pouch. The 2nd excellent reason not to drink alcohol is that it is very dehydrating and as I have learned this week staying hydrated is difficult enough on it's own. Thirdly the new little tummy is sensitive and the alcohol gets into the blood stream much more quickly and can/will cause intoxification much faster. The last thing you would want would to be driving under those conditions. Good luck with your surgery...I would plan on post poning alcohol for a good while.
   — Gena L.

April 11, 2008
Yes way to soon!!! My doctor told me NO alcohol until 4 months out.
   — Alvernlaw

April 11, 2008
I don't understand why you'd even ask the question. I've been going to meetings and meeting with the Dr and staff so that I can set up my surgery in July because I want it done in the summer when I have time off from work. They are always saying that there should be no carbonated drinks and no alcohol. I would give up anything to make this work. I want so much to be thin and healthy. I don't want to do any thing that may damage the pouch why would you want to take that chance?
   — LindaD.

April 11, 2008
There are often going to be people responding to you stating their doctor told them NEVER or not for several years..or what have you. All good advice, but not reality for most. Like CJ said...everything in moderation. If you are feeling very strongly that you're going to want or need that beer, my only concern is whether or not you've accepted the limitations you will experience following surgery? I'm not saying don't have it... but you will notice the affects of alcohol sooner than you did before, will feel woozy or tipsy....but it's short lived...and you might like the buzz. With any addiction...such as food is for many of us... alcohol can also give you that elated where you eventually over-indulge and or substitute for food...because it makes you feel the beginning. I guess in my personal opinion, I'd avoid it....until you've got a good handle on your eating and other will take you several months before you know what you can take....or handle.... eating....or drinking.....I certainly know that at 2 months out....I did not want to jeopardize my pouch with anything carbonated. It really made me miserable once to sip a diet 7-up when I had the stomach flu, and that's even after I thought it was pretty flat. It hurt like hell going down. So be very aware. You don't want to go into this thing...already planning on returning to old habits. This is or should be a new beginning for you. Wishing you all the best! Hugs.....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

April 11, 2008
Hi, Arden. Everybody has pretty much said everything I might say, at least the ones that discourage you from drinking alcohol. I've heard of this several times and on another list just yesterday someone wrote about cross addictions. Never intending to let this happen, several people say they have ended up trading food addiction for alcohol (or other drug) addiction. Not one of these people thought it could happen to them. So, a cautionary note about that. And the last one I could add would be that you should realize that any amount of alcohol will be metabolized extremely quickly following surgery, meaning you can drunk off your a** with very little alcohol. If the thought of that is appealing to you, then I would advise you to re-think the surgery. Seriously, best wishes! dana
   — jujuprof

April 11, 2008
i guess i asked the wrong thing. i was only talking about a couple of sips of beer or wine but believe me i will not take the chance of hurting something. THAT IS WHY I ASKED.
   — bikermama

April 12, 2008
ok Arden. I am the odd one out here i guess. i am two years out, and i believe i had pop at two months out. i am one of those that never really followed the rules, but only have 49# to my goal weight. i even had a kid before i was two years out, and they dont even recommend you get pregnant before two years out. oh well, shit happens, that is life. i am 21 and doing great. i drink every week when i go out. i have pop from time to time. and if anyone has a problem with it, thats just too bad. i am not telling you to drink, or dont drink anything though. i am just stating my experience to show you that it is possible. :)
   — squeekypete

April 12, 2008
Arden, it will always be too soon for you to have another beer. What you can't do too soon is begin changes in your life to protect your pouch, and also your liver. Liver damage is greater for wls patients who drink. Have a nice day. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 12, 2008
Arden, you can drink alchohol, you just have to pay attention to how you feel because it will hit you faster. You should not really drink carbonated beverages because it stretches the pouch but you probably will feel uncomfortable after one or two sips anyway. What I have noticed sipping carbonation (like once every three weeks) is that after each sip you burp like 10 times! Not an attractive behavior to do in public. It's a party, not a daily binge! Have good time but I would recommend a non-carbonated drink.
   — jannmyers

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