Is it normal to not have bowel movements during liquid diet?

I was having bowel movements and now it has been about 6 days without. I am still passing gas. Anyone else had this problem?    — buggaboo (posted on April 5, 2008)

April 5, 2008
It is a common problem. Probably one of my worst problems since surgery. I found that taking 2 SentacotS per night releaved my problem all together. C. Garber
   — Caroline Garber

April 5, 2008
You are not eating eanough of anything solid to pass...Once you begin eating solid food you will have something to move...
   — .Anita R.

April 5, 2008
You need to make sure you are drinking enough water. That happened to me as well, and I was constipated and dehydrated. WATER WATER WATER...and try BENEFIBER in your water too. That will help. Your Dr. can also give you Colace, a stool softner.
   — Kathleen L.

April 5, 2008
Depends on if you are pre or post surgery. I would say drink more water. Also get Smooth Moves tea at your grocery store. Drink a cup at night just before you go to bed.
   — jannmyers

April 5, 2008
It is a common problem, but I would buy some miralax (any pharmacy) and use a half dose daily until bms begin, then take it every 2 or 3 days to keep regular. It is important to be as regular as possible, it helps move waste from y our body, and even though you are only drinking, there is still plenty of waste to move, but without eating, the movements are slower. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 6, 2008
It's just your digestive system adjusting to many factors at once. Your body has been significantly changed and so have your eating habit so it just makes common sense that your BM's are affected. If you feel better by taking small amount of a gentle laxative, do it. But in moderation. ONly when you feel it's absolutely necessary. That's what I did and now after almost 3 months out I'm back to normal. Even "Normal" though can still be constipations AND gas.
   — cjjordan

April 6, 2008
I am 6 days post-op and not having reg. BM's either, but Dr. says that's normal. Not passing much gas tho. I had watery BM for the first 3 days and not much else since. A question to ask yourself would be: do you feel backed up? It could be that there just isn't anything there to move out yet. That's how i feel. If you feel backed up a stool softener is a good thing (ck w/ your Dr. first) and of course keep up on ALL you water intake. That's the hardest for me. I feel like i'm having to drink constantely (in small sips) to get it all in. Good luck, hugs, and God bless. This to shall pass (no pun intended) lol. Kristi
   — Kristi H.

April 6, 2008
no its not normal. everyone should be having bowel movments. your body always produces waste no matter what.Try some colace too
   — Joanc

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