Pain in my left side & stomach, and protein issues

I have been having a pain on my left side, just under my left breast since my surgery. I am 6 weeks out from RYN. It is not my pouch, its a little to the left of that. At first it was a slight sharp stabbing pain that would only be there if I took a deep breath or sneezed. That slowly subsided, but now has become more of a dull pain that is there more frequently. I had a diagnostic laproscopy 3 days ago and they found nothing. has anyone else had this? Also, when I drink anything, even if it's not cold, it hurts my stomach. It doesn't bother me to eat, but drinking is pretty uncomfortable. Also, I have tried several different protein shakes and cannot tolerate them. I tried a 'cappacino' type drink from today and it was ok at first, but by the time I was done my stomach hurt and I was nauseated. I am trying to eat deli meats, chicken, cheese, peanut butter, whatever I can that has protein in it, but I know it's not enough. I am thinking of getting some protein bars, but not sure how much that will help. I was going to try the protein bullets, as the sample pack I purchased came with one, but just smelling it makes my stomach turn. They have protein snacks available on the site but I don't know if that will be sufficient. Can anyone help me out with this? I know protein is essential for healing and weight loss, I just can't seem to find out how I can get it without wanting to be sick. Thanks!    — juliebelle0402 (posted on October 27, 2007)

October 27, 2007
Not sure about the pain. I would have said gas pain (from the gas still trying to work it's way out of yr system) but it's been 6 weeks. Not sure if that applies or not. I've heard one month but not 6 weeks. As for the protein, have you tried AnyWhey tasteless protein powder? You can add it to anything from hot tea to cold drinks. I add it to crystal light, hot or cold tea, tropicana squeeze etc. (later on you can even bake with it!) It is not 100% tasteless, but it is about 90% tasteless and tolerable. I had the same problem you did, any other protein drink made me naseausious. Once I switched to this, I have no problems. I buy mine at GNC. The smaller size container is around $26, the bigger size container is about $44. Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side!
   — crystalsno

October 27, 2007
As for the pain, I would contact your surgeon's office. Could be from the anesthesia, but could me something serious, I would definitely have my doctor do more checking to find why. As for the protein, I bought a natural flavor protein powder that I mix with carnation instant breakfast drink and 8 ounces of skim milk twice a day. My dietician was happy with that because I am getting almost the full 80 grams of protein in a day. So I have one first thing in the morning and again before bedtime. Sometimes I mix it and put it in freezer about 2 hours before my evening one and its like have a frozen chocolate treat. The protein bullets, protein drinks made me sick to even smell them as well. Try the shakes and natural flavor powder. It might help. Good luck and call your doctor about your pain just to be safe. P.S. I was having alot of trouble with liquids the first 3 weeks going down and causing pain. I thought it may be the stomach still healing.
   — jinamos

October 27, 2007
I also had the same pain in my left side after my surgery. It lasted for me about 4 weeks. You described it the same as mine was. I am now 7 weeks out and pain is gone. Drinking also bothered me sometimes. Be careful that you are not gulping...I found that to be my problem. Just sip, sip, sip and you should be okay. I am still having a problem getting the full 64 ozs. of water in but keep trying. Interesting to read the answers to the protein question....I am going to try some of the suggestions posted here. Good luck!
   — muffin1837

October 28, 2007
   — deb44m

October 28, 2007
Hi there! So sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I agree with the other posts, BUT here's my 2 cents (I am an RN as well as 5.5weeks post op so I am right there with you!): 1. Do you still have your gallbladder or appendix? Usually it would be upper right hand sided pain with the gallbladder & lower right with the appy, but it could be "referred pain" meaning it's percieved or felt in other locations. Just curious! 2. It still could be trapped gas that your body isn't processing well. Or pain from where the gas has left and tissues were stretched and trying to shrink and re-couperate. 3. Any history of ulcers? Are you taking an acid reducer? This could help. If you are already taking one, ask your doc if you could try adding one in the evening as well as the morning, spacing about 12hr apart. 4. It's a good thing you had a diagnostic laproscopy. How's the pain been since that procedure? You might have more "gas" pain after that as well depending on the type. Did they go through the same incision areas? How about an upper GI study? Just throwing some ideas out there. What did your doc say after your lap diagnostics? Anything? Did they do a Cat Scan with contrast before this? If not that might be a really good option!! Wellllll hope that helps some honey. I uderstand the pain with liquids! I am so there with you. Everyone keeps telling me "This too shall pass." So I hope that holds true! I'll keep thinkg about you and if I come up with anything I'll send it your way! Take care ~ Tomi
   — Tomi D.

October 28, 2007
What you describe I have had to some degree. I have pain on the left side from time to time, and it was worse for a long period of time. For me it was an ulcer that was controlled by Protonix. What finally resolved it was 3 years later I had to have scar tissue removed and that scar tissue seemed to be the irritation to the ulcer, but they didn't know it until they removed it. This was a very painful recovery though, I will admit. Just keep an eye on it. Your body has been compromised to have this surgery, and we all recover differently, this may be something you have to live with but is not dangerout. If symptoms persist, see your surgeon and if you need to get a 2nd opinion. Regarding protein, don't overlook milk or cottage cheese as good sources, or an egg. I am almost 4 years out now, and one of my favorite current proteins is shrimp. They are small bites and have a good protein source that for me goes down good. I can eat quite a bit of shrimp right now, and you probably can't, but every bite is a little closer. At 4 years out I still have problems with fluids. It is always uncomfortable, and I think I am always about 15 minutes from being dehydrated, but I keep plugging along at it. Oddly enough some things that I like to drink but shouldn't drink (like a frozen coke), settled very well, but water is like concrete. I just keep working at it. All things in moderation. This is why I was obese, no moderation, so I just keep working at it. God has been gracious to me, I have kept my weight off, but it is a daily battle. One worth winning by the way, fight the battle every day, keep your head up and trust in God for your day. If you don't, I would recommend a possible change, Jesus Christ changed my life, and it is the single best thing that has ever happened to me! Take care and have a great day. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 28, 2007
I would call your primary Dr or Surgeon right away. Likely it is a gas like others are suggesting, but it can also be your gallbladder if you still have yours. Whichever, it would be worth a call today. Good Luck and I hope you feel better.

October 28, 2007
For the pain, our bodies do have some trouble differentiating as to the locaiton of abdominal pain, so it could be anything-- although the exploratory lap would be have seen evidence of inflammation that would be a sign of gallbladder disease. It seems as if your doctor is on top of it, but keep pestering him if it continues. For protein, you need it to maximize weight loss and to preserve your health (and to maintain your muscle mass)- try the Isopure Zero Carb for a clear liquid high protein (there are several different flavors so you might find something). Also, think about the cans of Worldwide Protein that you can get at Trader Joes. The upset you are describing from the protein drinks sounds a lot of what I endured early on because I was drinking protein drinks that were high in fiber (who knew a few grams of fiber would cause me a lot of discomfort)-- and also because I was drinking too fast. Because the liquid empties pretty quickly through your pouch, it is going to hit any food in your small intestine right away. The discomfort you are feeling after these drinks sounds like the liquid is hitting the food and causing it to swell. Try to space out your eating and drinking a little bit more and look for lower-fiber protein drinks and you should (hopefully) be back on track.
   — SteveColarossi

October 29, 2007
i know exactly how you feel!! i had the same pain you are describing and my doctor said that the incision on the upper left, under the breast is the most sensitive. he said that during the surgery they have to push alot in that incision and because it is so close to the ribs it causes alot of people major discomfort. if yours keeps on hurting it may be something else, but my doctor told me that the pain can last about 6 weeks. for protein i use the LOW CARB SLIM FAST and the 100% PREMIUM WHEY PROTEIN POWDER from walmart (vanilla flavored). At this point, almost 4 weeks postop, it is still hard for me to get in all my protein and all my fluid too, but i am trying to work hard at it just like you. good luck and i hope my suggestions help. Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

October 29, 2007
I had the same problem you are having. I believe it was from drinking too fast. I also could not tolerate the protein drinks. I found that if I mix the New Whey Liquid Protein Bullets (grape) from GNC with 100% White Grape juice that you cannot even taste the protein. It does turn it purple, but does not change the taste of the juice. It has been a life saver. I was not even getting the least amount of protein that I needed until now. Also I can mix the unflavored Whey Protein with Beans and pudding and cannot taste it. Different things taste and work different for each person. Just keep testing!!!
   — Stephanie0279

November 4, 2007
Don't know about the pain, but I think I can help with the protein. Due to someone else's recommendation I purchased Smoothie King Low Carbphydrate GLADIATOR meal replacement. (vanilla). I mix 2 0z skim milk and one scoop of Gladiator, and two oz shaved ice and blend in my bullet. I do this twice a day. No gagging and it tastes good. Gives me 45 g of protien. I also put 1 oz of fat free cheddar cheese on my 2 oz of soup. I do this twice a day and that gives me 18 g of protein. (You have to melt the cheese) I am only 8 days out of surgery and can only take in 2 oz at a time so I have to stop and finish the next hour. Hope this helps. Pat
   — pjennjr

November 4, 2007
I am a week and a half out of surgery and have had the same problem. I became alarmed and called my doctor. He ruled out gall stones because: I do not have the sweats, trouble (or burning with urination), fever, or a history of gall stones. I also forget most of the times that I cannot lift things and wash the floor on my knees. True story, that makes a difference.
   — Azaria

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