Who has had a post op revision and do you regret it???....

I will be 7 years post op this October....I lost a total of 171lbs. down from 376lbs....Went from a size 32 to a perfect size 16....Once I got to a 16 I just stopped loosing....I changed my way of eating and did exercise but I do admit I did not do it as often as I should have and I was never able to give up chocolate....I just delt with the the end of 05, begining of 06 my mother took ill to the point she had to give up her apartment and move in with me and my sister....I was her caretaker until she passed away last July....I noticed that before she passed I started gaining weight so I know that her illness was a major contibution to my weight regain....I have gained about 45lbs. and my BMI has gone up to 44 so I am a candidate....I've tried to loose the weight on my own and just as before it's a battle that I don't seem to be able to win and that's why I'm thinking of having the surgery again....This time I think I would like to do the Lap Band....What do you guys think???....    — jboogie4166 (posted on June 28, 2007)

June 28, 2007
I probably should not put my 2 cents in because I am still pre op, but Lap Band is not nearly as affective % wise as the Roux En Y. Why would you consider it at all. I think all you need to do is buckle down and work at it. The surgery never loses it's effect, your head is what causes the problem. Who knows I could have the same experience your having, but why don't you contact a weight loss center in your area and tell them what is going on. Perhaps there is a simple solution rather then to jump into more surgery. Chin up girl. Maybe some therapy or a trainer and it would come right back off. 45 pounds in the big scheme of things isn't a lot compared to all you have lost. 171 lbs is amazing. Get that self confidence back and you will automatically get the weight off. I am rooting for you.
   — bderuiter

June 28, 2007
I disagree with the previous poster. I have done and am doing very well with my lap band. So, I am very pro Lap-band. All surgeries are good, you just have to find the one that does it for you.
   — Bee

June 28, 2007
Hi Joyce, thanks for writing. I just wrote another person on this site about the same issue. I really encourage you to go back to basics and fight for your health. One of my fears with a revision is it comes with a much higher risk rate than the first time wls surgery. You lost so much weight, 171 pounds. I think you can lose any weight that you gained and even more, but you have to take your exercise and protein and water levels seriously. I think you have the food down, but ask yourself about soda, caffine products and "junk". If you won't cut it out now with one surgery down, you probably won't with a revision. Also, exercise, you have to take that to the next level. 6 to 7 days a week, walk, bike, do what it takes to get active. You have to fight for the weight loss, we only get tools, not miracles. The choice is yours, but I encourage you to go back to basics, and fight for your weight loss. You can do it and you are worth it. Take care, and I wish you well. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 28, 2007
I am five years RNY post op and thought about doing the lap band or a revision. I had a consultation with one of the best doctors in the Washington DC area and would like to share the highlights of our conversation. The most important thing he wanted to emphasize is that I need to understand is that the risk and approach are different for a revision than the original surgery. Basically, he is not starting witha blank canvas-there is scar tissue and he will not know what he is dealing with until he opens me up. For instances, scar tissue from the RNY could be attached to my liver (just making this up) and/or my kidney which would make the actual surgery a lot different than the initial surgery. He also told me that for this same reason he would not do the lapband. Since it made sense to me, I decided my option would be a revision. Right now, I have decided not to do it because the risks are too great and the weigt gain problem is more psychological than physiological. I am going to post a question though to see if anyone has had a lap band after having had an RNY.
   — CMiller17

June 28, 2007
Hi, you should have the mechanics of the first surgery checked out, you could have a staple line disruption, blown stoma, or some other issue with your first surgery (besides the self-induced issues). It is not always the patients fault, sometimes the surgery does go wrong. You also might consider joining the Grads board, it is for people 1 year or more post-op and there are some great people there with wonderful information and support. I'm 6 years post-op as of 6/21 and have gained some weight back due to a blown stoma and some bad habits sneaking back in, I am back on track, working with the stoma issue and slowly taking off the regain. Here's the Grads link: There is also a group for revisions, feel free to e-mail me for that link. Good luck and blessings,
   — ALF

June 29, 2007
I am post op but would just have to question why if the RNY is no longer working for you that you would think the lap band will? From everything I have read it is way easier to eat around the lap band then it is the RNY. If I were in your position I would do what the previous poster did and have everything checked to make sure that the pouch is still as it should be and no problems have arisen. IF so fix that. It worked for you before and can work again. You just have to work with it. Good luck with this.
   — dreamseeker

June 29, 2007
Hi! I live in NY and in NYC they are doing non invasive, non surgical tightening of the pouch and stoma. We discussed this at a local support group. It is for people who are gaining after having successfully lost after their surgery. (and are more than 2 years out) I do not know if they are doing this in other areas. You can look online, the hospital is Mt Sinai in NYC. Good luck to you. ps, it is done endoscopically I believe.
   — robinmarra

June 30, 2007
If you have maintained 50 precent of the EWL then by most standards you are a success. Just because you met the guidelines for surgery doesn't mean it is a good idea. Second surgeries are alot more risky and you do not get the weight loss you got before. For 45 pounds I would see a trainer and a dietition if we haven't learned to eat the first time why would the second time be better? I am 14 years post op and I have regained about 25 pounds I am not trying to get back off, I know how frustating it is because I live it daily. You will have to fight the food addiction no matter what surgery you have, and lapband if you are a sweet eater is a waste of time and money.
   — DonnaB.

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