flying with protein powder

Hey ya'll. I am 3 months post op and fixing to fly on a mini vacation next week. I have a question about the protein powder. I buy the Anywhey tasteless in the gallon jug. I don't want to have to bring the entire jug in my suitcase (not sure that they'd let me anyway) I can't just put it in a non labeled plastic zip loc bag. This is the only protein powder I can tolerate. How on earth am I going to transport it? I've already contacted Delta-- they said "we dont have refridgerators, if you need to inject it...yadda yadda" I said "Look you didn't understand my question! It doesn't need to be refridgerated, it isn't injected yadda yadda" I swear sometimes dealing with them is like pulling teeth! I am only going to be gone for 4 days, so buying some at my destination is not feesable. Has anyone else had this issue? How did you fly with your protein powder? The Anywhey tasteless doesn't come in pouches. I wish it did at this point. Suggestions?    — crystalsno (posted on June 16, 2007)

June 16, 2007
you can pack it if you check you luggage. i just flew with muscle milk already pre-packaged.. i got very strange looks by the security agents when i went through security on the way out of the airport - they xray your luggage when you go into their country - i was in honduras. but you can put it in your checked luggage and shouldn't have a problem.. good luck.
   — akirsch

June 16, 2007
I have a week long trip coming up in August,to my family. I am planning to mail all the food items that I need to my mothers' house (plus 1 extra day, in case I don't get out,due to travel overbooking). This seems the easiest,as I use a lot of different products (pudding,achieve one,isopure & chicken broth) I need variety in my plan. And I can trust that I won't be able to get them there. If you mail them priority,it only takes a few days. Hope that this helps.
   — peacelovecat

June 16, 2007
You can put whatever you want into checked luggage. I went to CA a few months ago and didn't check my bags. I took individual packets of protein (or you can put them in ziploc bags) and took an empty water bottle on the plane...I asked the flight attendant to fill it up with water and added the powder, it worked fine. Bariatric Advantage also has a 15 gr carb protein powder that comes in a little bottle and you add water or milk to it and shake it. It's surprisingly good.
   — Sheri A.

June 16, 2007
Mail it to your hotel or destination Priority with a delivery confirmation. Make sure you advise the hotel or destination to expect a package.
   — Navada L.

June 16, 2007
Hi Jolynn. I just got back from a trip to France with our son. You can do two things. One you can put a single portion or double portion in a medicine bottle and take it. If they ask you about it in the security area, then tell them it is what it is. They may or may not take it. I would also put a zip lock bag full of it with the scoop in your check in baggage if you have one, it will make it for sure there. Most of the time when they see a medication bottle, they let it go. If you don't have a check in luggage, you may want to reconsider that to be sure you can take your protein there. Have a good time, and take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 16, 2007
get some freezer zip lock the smaller ones measure out what you need for each batch so when you get where you are you can just pour it in. make a couple extras JUST IN CASE!!! and get as much air out before zipping put them into a larger bag/air out/zip and put them into your suitcase! EASY!!! So don't panic it can be done easily. you can also take some in a sport water bottle made up too for on the plane and traveling. Don't worry, just calmly explain and no one will bother you....luggage no problem at all.
   — LouAB

June 17, 2007
Go with Linda Etterlee suggestion as I would suggest. Unless you get Pre-packaged Samples. Unlabled or even Labeled zip-lock baggies may get you detained for a bit. I've worked in Law Enforcement and shipping your protein ahead would be the safest way to go.
   — Michael Eak

June 17, 2007
I have had no problem bringing powder or other food/med substances thru airport security. I suggest putting your powder into ziplock bags, labeling it, and cutting out the product name and nutrition info (or contents whatever) and including it with the bags of powder. I do like the mailing it suggestion tho... or call the manufacturer and see if there are any stores that sell it near your location. Enjoy vacation!
   — mrsidknee

June 19, 2007
I had my lap band surgery down in Mexico. I had to be on a liquid diest 3 days prior to surgery which meant I would be traveling while on the liquid diet. To make a long story short. What I found out is you can carry items on the plane as long as you have a doctor's note saying that you are either pre op or post op and are required to be on a liquid diet. I was also told by the security supervisor at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport that if you tell them you have a medical condition that requires these items legally they can not question you and will have to let you on the plane with them. Sure made traveling a lot easier for me. Good luck with what ever decission you decide to make. Doris Young
   — spiritedsoul

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